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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Terry for President Opens Campaign Office in St. Louis; Purchases Super Bowl Ad for St. Louis -- TV Ad says Obama Supports Murder

Is Mitt Romney a Conservative as He Claims? 'Report Card on the Natural Family' has Former Governor Answering 'No'

Press Conf.: Black Pastors Confront Southern Poverty Law Center for Smearing as 'Hate Groups' Pro-Family Organizations Opposed to Homosexual Agenda

Arrested and Harassed 50 Times in Turkey, Dr. Evan Edwards Releases Book 'It's a Happy Life'

Bible-Based Ministry Training Produces 18% Increase in Donations Among Christian and Secular Nonprofit Organizations -- Free eBook Offered

Monday, January 16, 2012

Coalition of African American Pastors Director, Dr. William Owens, Credits Evangelical Leader Dr. James Linzey for Gathering Military and Evangelical Support for Ron Paul

Press Conf.: Black Pastors Confront Southern Poverty Law Center for Smearing Pro-Family Organizations Opposed to Homosexual Agenda as 'Hate Groups'

Abortion Dishonors Dr King Legacy

ConservativeHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie Endorses Rick Santorum for President

A Terrifying End? Or a New Beginning?

Wednesday: South Carolina Pro-life Forum to Feature 4 of 5 GOP Presidential Candidates

Award Winning Author Calls Attention to AIDS Victims and the Poor in South Africa

22nd Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer for the Addicted

Ave Maria School of Law Spearheads 'Law of Life Summit'

The Source and Authority of Law

Prison Minister/Author Marty Angelo 'Alive in Christ' Radio Interview

What Romney Really Believes About Race, God, Jesus, the Bible and Christians

Baltimore County Proposes 'Peeping Tom' Law

US Navy Chaplain Receives High Marks for Proclaiming Jesus Christ on Martin Luther King Sunday at MCAS Miramar, Says Evangelical Leader Dr. Verna Linzey

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hate is a Killer; Love Can Cure

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Santorum Owes Michele Bachmann an Apology

Dr. James F. Linzey Speaks Against Anti-Semitism Over Martin Luther King Weekend After Endorsing Ron Paul for President

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dr. Alveda King (Niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.) to Speak in Rockford Illinois at January Life Breakfast

AttendStar Announces ChristianEventAlerts.com

OWS and M.L.K.? No Way -- Conservative Black Minister Speaks Out Against Occupy the Dream Events

Oklahoma City Pastor Carries Torch to Atlanta for Something Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Began

When Jesus Met Mary: A Conference Exploring Friendship Between Men and Women

Dr. James Linzey of Military Bible Association Urges South Carolina Military Members and Pastors to Support Ron Paul for President

850 Rabbis Issue a Plea to the Church Leaders and Church Goers of South Carolina: What Are (Y)our 'Primary Concerns'?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dr. Erwin Lutzer Named Bible Teacher of the Year

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