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Coalition of African American Pastors Director, Dr. William Owens, Credits Evangelical Leader Dr. James Linzey for Gathering Military and Evangelical Support for Ron Paul

Contact: Bishop Janice Hollis, 215-694-6376, www.hollismedia.net

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 16, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- On January 15, 2012, on Geraldo, Senior Ron Paul Campaign Advisor Doug Wead said, "Our voters truly represent the three pillars that are traditional pillars of the Republican Party: the social, the fiscal, and the military conservatives are well represented here in South Carolina."

Photo: Dr. William Owens, Dr. Verna Linzey, Dr. James Linzey at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C.

Civil Rights Activist and Director of the Coalition of African American Pastors, Rev. Dr. William Owens, stated today, "Part of the success of the Ron Paul Campaign in gathering so much military and Evangelical support in South Carolina was due to the endorsement of Evangelical Leader Dr. James F. Linzey, president of the Military Bible Association. As the Ron Paul Campaign headed south from New Hampshire, James Linzey reached out to every pastor and military member in South Carolina, urging them to support Ron Paul for President of the United States."

Jim Linzey is a statesman and churchman who has met with many ecclesiastical leaders and statesmen from around the world. Dr. Linzey believes religion has a role in building bridges to people from all walks of life for the sake of world peace. His outreach to Muslims in Pakistan, building bridges to American Jews, and financing humanitarian missions in Mexico and the Philippines have taken a back seat in the media, as per his preference, so as to not be distracted from the mission he has chosen in his ministry.

Meanwhile, he keeps an eye on American public servants at home. "I believe we must hold our public servants accountable since we American taxpayers are paying their salaries," said Jim Linzey. "That's part of what spirituality is all about. We are taking what belongs to our children and paying public servants, and feeding them, their habits, and their children. I expect accountability as a steward of what God gave me. I would be much more at ease if someone such as Ron Paul occupied the White House. I disagree with him on permitting those with an alternative lifestyle into the military. We can discuss that once he's in office. But for now there are even more dire issues he has agreed to handle that none of the other candidates have the moral courage to tackle: abortion, Second Amendment rights, the money system, and undeclared wars. Republicans have given lip service to crucial issues for forty years with nothing to show for it. Talk is cheap. Faith without works is dead," said Dr. Linzey.

In an interview with Bishop Janice Hollis, another African American Civil Rights Activist working with Senator Arlen Specter for years, and who ran for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania in 2008, Dr. Linzey explained how Ronald Reagan as Governor of California signed into law the most liberal abortion law in US history. The nation followed suit. "Since Ronald Reagan was a far right conservative and signed this, how can we be sure that today's moderate Republicans will do better? Many apologize after enacting liberal agendas, but apologies won't bring nearly 100 million murdered babies and tens of thousands of murdered troops to life. I urge liberals and conservatives to support Ron Paul who is not bought by the special interest groups supporting such efforts," said Linzey. Linzey and his mother, Dr. Verna Linzey, spoke at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., where Speaker John Boehner also spoke, for the 2011 Leadership Summit, chaired by Dr. William Owens who worked with Martin Luther King in the Civil Rights Movement.

Bishop Hollis added, "Christians should be more engaged in civics than ever before to defend our religious freedoms and basic civil rights endowed by God and must elect a president that will uphold the Constitution."

Rev. Linzey agreed, saying, "When Americans join the military, the Constitution obligates them to defend America and fight wars only declared by Congress."

Dr. Linzey has recently been phoned by Presidential Candidate of the American Independent Party, Rev. Dr. Wiley Drake, who invited Dr. Linzey to host a town hall meeting consisting of US Military Veterans in San Diego. Dr. Linzey accepted the invitation.