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Thursday, December 07, 2006

IRD Calls for a Skeptical Eye on Climate Change Claims

Complimentary Memento Helps Grandparents Forge A Lifetime of Memories from Christmases Past

Life on Mars -- What Scientists Know But Aren't Telling

Judicial Watch Presents a Panel Discussion: Hillary and the Presidency: Ethics, Policy and 'Bill'

Fr. Frank Pavone Comments on Fetal Pain Bill

Institute for Community Development Statement Regarding the Purchase of the El Centro Building in West Tampa

Knights of Columbus Lead Charge to 'Keep Christ in Christmas'

National Right to Life Statement on U.S. House Vote on Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act

National Clergy Council, Faith and Action to Combine News Conference with Christian Defense Coalition

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Faith Organizations to Encourage the Display of Nativity Scenes at Public Buildings All Across America During the Christmas Season

Fetal Pain Bill Was Two Edged Sword Says National Pro-Life Action Center

CWA: Congress Fails to Protect Unborn Babies

Congress to Get Free Tickets to See 'The Nativity'

Eight Holiday Gifts to Give Bereaved Families After the Death of a Child

Christian Social Network Launching Features That Connect Charities, Ministries and Non-Profits with Local Community

Professor Shows Accuracy of Bible's Christmas Story, Debunks Popular Myths

Faith Organizations to Encourage the Display of Nativity Scenes at Public Buildings All Across America During the Christmas Season

Newman is New Co-Host of 'LifeTalk'

DiscoverChristianSchools.com Supports Saying 'Merry Christmas' in All Schools

A Purchase with a Purpose

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

'The Theory Of Everything' Star Victor Lundin is on the Official SAG Ballot for Outstanding Performance in a TV Movie

Evangelism Explosion International Partners with CCFSF to Establish the D. James and Anne Kennedy Foundation for World Evangelism

More Non Profits Offer Online Gifts that are Both Meaningful and Great Last Minute Shopping Ideas

Israel Ministry of Tourism Names Infinity Concepts Agency of Record for Christian Market

All-Female Medical Team Ministers Healing and Hope in Bomb-Laden Lebanon; HCJB World Radio Celebrates 75th Anniversary Dec. 25

Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act Could 'Backfire'

Swazi Ambassador to USA Notes Progress, Stresses Abstinence in Fight Against HIV/AIDS

Fetal Pain Legislation: A Right Thing in the Wrong Way

Christians Merging Together Conference to be Held in Columbia, SC July 13 and 14, 2007

My Jesus Won't Take a Backseat to Anyone this Christmas

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