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'Action Network' Empowers Conservative Organizations & Bloggers

Contact: Thomas Alvord, CollaborActive, 801-753-8672

OREM, Utah, May 19, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- CollaborActive launched today "The Conservative Action Network" which enables conservative organizations and bloggers to collaborate on common efforts and mobilize grassroots movements.

With CollaborActive's email advocacy widget, conservative organizations and bloggers can now mobilize their followers to contact state and federal elected officials via email from the organization or blogger's own website.

CollaborActive is a hybrid of social network and grassroots advocacy so users on the network can come together on their grassroots efforts.

"What makes this powerful," says Thomas Alvord, CEO of CollaborActive, "is that conservative organizations and bloggers can now easily collaborate on common efforts and jointly mobilize grassroots movements that are more effective than ever before."

Organizations have already seen success using the network. Earlier this year during CollaborActive's beta phase, Parents Television Council, a non-partisan organization based in California, mobilized thousands of its followers to pressure Congress and President Obama to get the Solicitor General to appeal a 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on fleeting expletives. The appeal is now underway to the U.S. Supreme Court.

As Jeremy Dys, President of the Family Policy Council of West Virginia notes, "CollaborActive is an intuitive solution that harnesses the energies of the next generation of grassroots advocates by leveraging like minds through social media."

"We don't set the agenda," says Alvord. "Rather, organizations and bloggers promote their efforts and we let collaboration happen organically. It's an experiment in social media and grassroots advocacy that we trust will be successful."

Organizations and bloggers are invited to create an account and join the growing network.

CollaborActive, LLC operates out of Utah. The mission of CollaborActive is to promote social and fiscal conservative principles by enabling likeminded organizations & bloggers to collaborate on common efforts and mobilize grassroots movements. CollaborActive stands for religious liberty, family values, limited government principles, and responsible citizenship. For more information visit www.CollaborActive.org.