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Health Nominee Veto Sickening

Contact: Mary Kay Culp, Executive Director, Kansans for Life, 913-406-4446

MEDIA ADVISORY, April 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following statement is submitted by Mary Kay Culp, Executive Director of Kansans for Life:

If this confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius goes forward, George Tiller will have a friend, not only in the highest office in Kansas as he likes to brag, but heading the highest health office in the land, and knowing what we know, we think that ought to make every American sick.
Governor Sebelius, like her friend Napolitano, is extremely liberal, but especially so on late-term abortion, end of life issues and cloning.
As always her reasons sound high-minded, but are in fact empty claims. This bill, Hsub 281, was thoughtfully drafted as a mirror image of the federal ban upheld in the April 2007 U.S. Supreme Court/Gonzales v Carhart/ decision.  Sebelius' reference to the 1997 Sixth circuit decision is outdated, and the "brain-suction" law examined by that appeals court was not nearly as clear as Hsub 218.
What she did today is sickening.  It's a slap in the face to Kansas lawmakers, and also now to many U.S. Senators, and indeed to the country as a whole.

The fact that we are not surprised is borne out by the fact that the 24 page newsletter being received by our members' across the state today (and already posted on our web site www.kfl.org), is mostly devoted to the possible veto, and action steps to urge legislators to override it.