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Wanted: Former Christian Inmate Women in Communities Across America

Contact: Mel Goebel, Daughters of Destiny, 719-210-5977

MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 26, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Daughters of Destiny national women's prison ministry is seeking women who once served time in a jail or prison to consider giving back to help meet the growing need of incarcerated women. Today, there are over One Million women behind bars!

Annie Goebel, president and an ex-offender herself said, "I was a school teacher in South Dakota and had completed my graduate degree. I was ashamed of my past and very few people knew I had been in prison. I had closed that chapter of my life and didn't want to ever go back." But God had other plans for her. While listening to a speaker one cold winter night she received a very unexpected invitation. God was calling ladies who had been in jail or prison at one point in their lives and were now walking victoriously in Christ to give back to help their sisters. "He sparked my spirit that night and I knew I was being called into action. The first time I went inside this was confirmed." She realized that God wanted to use what the devil had intended as evil for good; for His glory. "One of the main lies that inmate women have believed since they were broken little girls is that they have no value. The ugliness of the sin they have been through beats that lie into them over and over again. But when God's truth lights the way they begin to understand that even what lead them to where they are is of great value to the Lord. They are now perfect for reaching and discipling women who are still where they used to be. These women have the 'roadmap' to transformation in Christ. What a wonderful thing to share."

I know there are hundreds of ladies just like me in communities across America leading productive lives. We need your gifts and talents to help us reach this army of broken women who are crying out for help!

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