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On Memorial Day, Trinity Broadcasting Network Honors Those Who Have Sacrificed for Liberty

Contact: Colby May, TBN, 202-544-5171, cmay@tbn.org

LOS ANGELES, May 25, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Memorial Day weekend is an extra special time for Trinity Broadcasting Network, America's go-to source for faith and inspirational television. Yes, the folks at TBN certainly enjoy the picnics, family time, and leisure that are part of this all-American holiday. But they also know that Memorial Day is more than just the kickoff for summer vacation. It's about honoring the men and women in uniform who have given so much to ensure the liberty we enjoy. And it's about taking time to thank God for that liberty, and to seek His blessings for future generations.

In observance of Memorial Day this year, TBN has put together a weekend lineup of movies and specials designed to honor America's veterans and war heroes, and to help viewers and their families focus on what their sacrifice has meant. Among the featured programs this weekend on TBN:

Flag of My Father. This powerful movie tells the story of an Army nurse and former POW whose faith in God is put to the test as she battles through personal wounds and family hostility following the sudden death of her father, a Vietnam veteran. Airs May 25 through 29 (check here for broadcast times).

Prisoners of Hope. From 1964 to the end of the Vietnam conflict, hundreds of American servicemen were captured, interrogated, starved, and tortured in North Vietnamese prisoner of war camps. In Prisoners of Hope, ten of these American heroes recount the suffering and despair they experienced, as well as the faith and hope that sustained them through the years. Airs May 26 and 28 (check here for broadcast times).

League of Grateful Sons. Among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, sailors, and airmen who returned home after WWII was a remarkable collection of men who made it their life mission to speak God's providences and the meaning of manhood to the boys who would follow in their steps. Through wartime letters and present-day pilgrimages to the bloody battlefields of their youth, these warriors have spoken, and their thankful children -- the League of Grateful Sons -- rise to honor their legacy. A moving and memorable film. Airs May 27 and 28 (check here for broadcast times).

Medal of Honor: Living Histories. In this impacting documentary, eight recipients of America's highest military honor recount the heroic actions that prompted them to receive the medal, and talk about the feelings they have for their country and for the soldiers who fought along side them. Airs May 28 and 29 (check here for broadcast times).

The Conscientious Objector. The remarkable story of devout Christian and military hero Desmond Doss, a World War II medic who earned the Medal of Honor despite refusing to carry a weapon into combat. Convinced that he was a coward, Doss' fellow soldiers heaped ridicule and abuse on him -- until, during a three week period of fighting near Okinawa in 1945, he repeatedly braved enemy fire and grenades to tend the wounds and save the lives of over 80 of his comrades. A truly unforgettable and impacting movie. Airs May 28 and 29 (check here for broadcast times).

In addition to these inspiring classics, TBN will also air a number of other movies and specials throughout the Memorial Day weekend, including Saints and Soldiers, Warriors of Honor, Stand Ye, Stand Ye, and more. For a complete listing check TBN's daily broadcast schedule.

TBN founder Dr. Paul Crouch noted that the network is available at a number of military bases throughout the world, and some of TBN's programming is even carried on the Armed Forces Network. "Americans owe a deep debt of gratitude to the men and women who have served in the military," he said. "Memorial Day gives us a special day to acknowledge their sacrifice, and to remind us of the need to keep those serving today in our prayers."