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Prison Minister Marty Angelo to Speak at San Diego Banquet

Just days after appearing at a celebrity court hearing minister/author will deliver keynote address

Contact: Marty Angelo, Once Life Matters Ministries, 805-405-8174

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 7, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Once Life Matters Ministries founder Marty Angelo announced today he will be delivering a keynote address at the Shadow Mountain Community Church prison ministry banquet scheduled for Friday Nov. 11th in El Cajon, California. The banquet is an annual event honoring San Diego County's top rated prison ministry.

"It is truly an honor for me to speak at this year's banquet. I usually spend most of my time on the front lines of ministry and it is very unusual to be asked to speak in public at a social type event. I will be sharing part of my own personal testimony of God's grace, mercy and love in my life as well as encouraging those who reach out to thousands of prisoners through Shadow Mountain's tremendous prison ministry."

Angelo is also scheduled to speak at various in-prison chapel services on Nov. 12th and 13th at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego.

On November 2nd Angelo was in court to spiritually support troubled actress Lindsay Lohan and was asked to deliver a message from her father, Michael who is currently incarcerated in Tampa Florida. "It breaks my heart to see what the Lohan family is going through." Angelo remarked to the hundreds of press reporters outside of the courthouse. "I am not sure what it is going to take to finally heal this family of its troubles but I know God is able to bring about total restoration in due time." Angelo has continuously reached out to the Lohan family since 2007 when Michael first contacted him to try to help his daughter.

The last time Marty Angelo visited the San Diego area was back in December 2010 to testify at the sentencing of "40-Year-Old-Virgin" actor Shelley Malil who was sentenced to life in prison with possible parole in 12 years for stabbing his ex-girlfriend more than 20 times.

Marty Angelo has worked in prison ministry for over 30 years as well as reaching out to substance abusers and troubled celebrities. He worked in the entertainment business for 15 years prior to his electrifying conversion to Christianity in 1981 after his own run-in with the law. He is the author of the book, "Once Life Matters."

For more information please see www.oncelifematters.com.