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Mary's Arch of Triumph Unveils Official Drawings

Contact: Laurence Behr, Exec. Director, 716-856-1300

BUFFALO, N.Y., May 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Association for the Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary today unveils new architectural plans for the pro-life shrine and great triumphal arch, at 700 feet tall to be the world's tallest monument, which the Association was formed to build in 2001. When Buffalo's Common Council unanimously endorsed the project in 2002, the Association promised that it would be "built according to high standards of architectural beauty and integrity," a promise clearly kept in the new official designs.

Mary's Arch of Triumph will point towards the "fundamental transformation' that America and the world truly need--a change of hearts and minds, more than of laws. It will sound a global signal call to repentance and conversion, renewed faith in God, and respect for human life from conception to natural death.

Originating with a dream, this great spiritual undertaking quickly gained worldwide support among Mary's faithful, and has been approved by many Catholic pro-life leaders, including Fr. Frank Pavone, Fr. John Corapi, Mrs. Judie Brown, Dr. John Willke, and Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

The project evokes Mary's revelations at Fatima on July 13, 1917, "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart," and that, "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph . . . and an era of peace will be granted to the world." This great arch hails this coming triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. It will be 700 feet tall because seven is the biblical number of perfection, and Mary represents the perfection of humanity because of her humble obedience to God. Mary is revered also by Muslims, who believe in Mary's perpetual virginity; indeed, Mohammed said that Mary enjoys the highest place in heaven of all women.

The Association is raising funds (projected cost: $85 to $100,000,000) through its Web site www.archoftriumph.org and a mail campaign, and is searching for a site in the Diocese of Buffalo, NY where the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, entered America triumphally on December 8, 1947 when "200,000 people lined the streets and welcomed Our Lady" see History page at www.pilgrimvirginstatue.com.

Mary's gloroius Arch of Triumph of is destined quickly to become an international icon, boldly though silently proclaiming the dignity and sanctity of human life, born and unborn, and extolling the oft-neglected virtues of purity, faith and obedience to God.