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Oikos Makes Safe Online Social Networking a Reality for Churches

Enhance Ministry, Deepen Relationships through Simple, Safe Online Social Networking Tools

Contact: Lauren Hunter, 916-838-2184

FLORENCE, Alabama, August 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- With a desire to ignite a passion within the Christian community to connect and communicate in new ways, Simon Solutions Inc. has introduced Oikos™, a revolutionary online community-building platform with which congregations, ministries, schools, and cell groups can connect, share, and communicate online-all in a secure environment. Oikos, also the Greek term for household, was developed by the folks at Simon Solutions that have a zeal for ministry and are motivated by their desire to provide innovative solutions to build up community within the worldwide Christian Church.

"People desire deeper personal connections with one another, and are constantly looking for ways to accomplish this within their busy lifestyles. With more and more people gravitating towards social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook in order to keep in touch and foster community, we realized that the Church could benefit from similar tools that are more secure and available to expand existing community groups online," says Mike Simon, visionary and president of Simon Solutions.

Oikos provides small groups management, online calendars to help people keep up-to-date on events and activities within your organization, multimedia tools such as image and video sharing, online chat, forums to discuss issues relevant to ministry, personal profile pages for each member, and online 24/7 prayer. The application is completely secure and requires the Oikos administrator to approve each member that joins the group.

"We've harnessed the power of Web 2.0 to create a Flash-based environment that has never been seen before in the Christian community," remarks Isaac Simon, developer on the Oikos R&D team. "God has given us the call to serve the Church with technology tools that truly bring people together and enhance face-to-face ministry, not replace it."

Vince Farrell, Student Ministries Pastor at Faith Church in Florence, Alabama adds, "Oikos has provided our student ministry with a safe community meeting place where they can connect with others. It's provided me with real-time tools that keep our ministry communication real and relevant."

To view the Oikos online demo and register for a free 30-day trial to find out how it can impact your ministry, visit [http://www.oikoshq.com] or send an e-mail to info@oikoshq.com.