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New Barna Research Shows High Spiritual Impact of Scripture Union Children's Outreach Program

Contact: Mr. Whitney T. Kuniholm, President, Scripture Union USA, 610-935-2807 ext 403, Whitneyk@ScriptureUnion.org

MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 5, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Can a short-term children's outreach program featuring a variety of fun activities have a significant spiritual impact on the children who attend? The answer is a resounding "yes" according to an October, 2010 survey by the nationally respected research organization, The Barna group.

The Barna survey of mostly at-risk children who attended Scripture Union's SuperKids® one and two week outreach missions during the summer of 2010 showed that, as a result of the program, 85% of the children felt more loved by God and over 80% said they learned new things about God and Jesus.

During the summer of 2010, over 90 SuperKids outreach missions were held in major urban areas and beach resorts all across the country. The programs feature Bible stories, skits, small group Bible studies, games, contests and prizes. Overall, there were more than 30,000 daily participating children. The curriculum, "Good News for You", was based on the Gospel of Luke and designed around a lively "Action News" format.

Key Finding #1: At-Risk Children Want to Follow Jesus

Other results reported by Barna showed that 77% of the children attending learned more about the Bible and nearly 80% say they discovered that they want to follow Jesus. Three-quarters reported that they learned right from wrong and how to stay out of trouble. In fact, the Barna report stated that "without exception, every single belief about Jesus that was tested among the program participants experienced an increase from pre-test to post-test results."

What motivated the children to attend SuperKids®? About seven out of ten "heard that it was a lot of fun." That positive feeling about the program largely remained after it was over, with two-thirds describing SuperKids as a "fun place to hang out" and "a good place to make new friends."

Key Finding #2: Committed Volunteers Make the Difference

The children's reactions to attending SuperKids were strongly affirmed by the adult participants, also. Barna's research found that 75% of adult leader and volunteer staff felt that SuperKids makes Bible learning fun for children. Over 80% said that SuperKids helps children know more about Jesus. In fact, Barna concluded that "The highest rating of SuperKids attributes...from leaders and volunteers was regarding the program's ability to help children learn more about Jesus."

Scripture Union USA (www.ScriptureUnion.org) is a non-denominational, non-profit organization dedicated to helping people of all ages read and live by the Bible. In partnership with The Salvation Army and local churches, Scripture Union also sponsors PrimeTime, an after school outreach to at-risk children in urban areas around the country. Its publications and programs serve churches throughout the country in reaching both children and adults with the Bible's message. Scripture Union's ministry is warmly endorsed by many Christian leaders, including these:

  • Billy Graham: I am totally, completely and forever a Scripture Union man.
  • Luis Palau: "I can't say enough good about the work of Scripture Union. It made me realize the importance of the word of God. After all these years the impact of Scripture Union is still with me."
  • John Stott: "Scripture Union taught me the discipline of daily Bible reading -- a discipline I consider indispensable to Christian growth and freshness."
  • N.T. Wright: "I wouldn't be the person I am today without that early Scripture Union formation."

For more information or an interview:
Mr. Whitney T. Kuniholm, President Scripture Union USA P.O. Box 215 Valley Forge, PA 19481 (610) 935-2807 Ext. 403 Whitneyk@ScriptureUnion.org