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The 1974 Textbook Tea Party

Contact: Karl Priest, 304-769-0217

MEDIA ADVISORY, May 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- A 1974 grassroots uprising made a major impression upon an untold number of people all over America. Known as the Textbook War (TBW), its effects continue to influence and inspire the American people. Some believe the TBW launched the modern conservative movement that brought Ronald Reagan riding in proclaiming the same premises as the protesters.

The TBW occurred in West Virginia and has been called "the first shot in the cultural war". Bible believing Christians and their conservative allies, objecting to anti-Christian and anti-American textbooks shut down the state's largest school system (about 45,000 students) and garnered intense national and worldwide attention. The Tea Party that occurred in 1773 was due to government not serving the people. Those colonial protesters literally threw out the tea. In 1974, another group of protesters rose up against government oppression and figuratively threw out textbooks. It is time the true story is revealed so that future Tea Party participants can benefit from the experience of the 1974 patriots.

Lee Strobel featured the TBW in The Case for a Creator.

Larry Pratt said, "The TBW was one of the major battles of the cultural wars."

Connie Marshner declared that the 1974 protesters had old-fashioned American virtues and they woke up the rest of the country.

Robert K. Dornan said that the media discovered that something was wrong with American education thanks to the Kanawha County textbook battle.

The Peabody Awards stated that the TBW foreshadowed "the 'culture wars' still raging."

Karl Priest's "Protester Voices--The 1974 Textbook Tea Party" is a first time, first-hand protester account of the event that launched the fight for the heart and soul of America.

The book includes the personal accounts of Alice Moore (from whom Sarah Palin could learn), five brave preachers (Graley, Hill, Horan, Thaxton, and Quigley), and several other actual protesters (Tea Partiers).

Photographs of the protesters in action are included.

The mainstream media has always presented a slanted version of the event that some say launched the conservative movement. MSM cohorts (academic researchers, scholars, liberal clergy, and left-wing organizations) have also contributed a biased view of the historically significant TBW.

The protesters were not like the way they have been portrayed. Their voices have been silenced until now.

Without edited media interviews, slanted research papers, or outright censorship, this is a book liberals will want to ban and burn.

For ordering information see www.insectman.us/testimony/protester-voices.htm or email TextbookWar@aol.com.