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Ministry Equipped to Help Christians Make Wiser Financial Decisions

Contact: Marcia Baker, Wealth for the Righteous Resource Center, 877-778-1322

FT. WASHINGTON, Md., Feb. 20, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Wealth for the Righteous Resource Center (WFTR-RC), a financial literacy ministry, is well-equipped to help Christian consumers take control of their finances. "The Word of God gives instruction for all aspects of our lives, including our financial decision making," says Mary Craft, and this is the premise upon which she founded WFTR-RC.

Through the financial information and tools provided in their quarterly newsletter, WEALTH for the RIGHTEOUS, and on their web site, WFTR-RC is helping all consumers better understand the financial products, services and concepts essential for their financial well-being. Consumer and family finance, saving and investing, retirement planning, and employee benefits are the areas of personal finance that the Center addresses. "Once they understand how to determine their needs and evaluate the various options, they can make decisions that are in their best interest," says Craft.

As the vision for the ministry was evolving, Craft realized that financial education was not enough, but that WFTR-RC also needed to share the Word of God regarding wealth. On the web site and in the newsletter, WEALTH for the RIGHTEOUS, readers will find Biblical teachings and references pertaining to money management and prosperity for God's people. The objective is to encourage Christians to study the Scriptures for an understanding of God's plan and purpose for wealth.

"It concerns me to see Christians in the same dismal financial condition as non-believers, especially when the Bible teaches we are not to be in a state of lack and that we should support the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ," says Craft. A former financial service professional, Craft is passionate about her calling to equip the body of Christ with financial knowledge and Biblical financial principles.

The Word of God is the foundation for this financial literacy ministry. "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous." -- Proverbs 13:22 (NKJV) "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...." -- Hosea 4:6(a)

Wealth for the Righteous Resource Center communicates financial and consumer protection information through a quarterly newsletter, "WEALTH for the RIGHTEOUS," a multimedia web site, workshops and webinars, social media, and public service announcements videos; Discovering Financial Freedom, The Importance of Making a Will.