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Inspirational New Painting Points to Meaning of Life and Hope of Heaven

Contact: Chuck Pinson, 770-242-9713, chuckpinson@gmail.com

ATLANTA, March 21, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ --What can a painting about heaven reveal about the meaning of life? In his new painting "The Bridge of Triumph," internationally published artist Chuck Pinson uses dramatic landscape art rich with meaningful symbolism to communicate an inspirational message about the meaning of life and the hope of heaven.

The human heart has always longed for something more than this world has to offer. While many people dread death, this new image suggests that the ultimate satisfaction people seek lies at the end of life's journey.

The painting figuratively illustrates the moment just before a person enters heaven. "It's the moment worth a person's whole life -- the moment when you finally make it home and experience the sweetest victory humankind can ever know," explains Pinson.

Riveting symbolism adds layers of meaning to a canvas illuminated with rich golden hues and dramatic highlights. A blood-stained street speaks of sacrifice and leads the viewer to the golden bridge connecting the earthly realm to the heavenly. Angelic statues sit atop pillars, arms raised in victory and outstretched to welcome the entrant with passionate acceptance. Pinson discusses the symbolism in a devotional-style video available at www.chuckpinson.com.

"I painted 'The Bridge of Triumph' with the idea that living with the end goal in mind can dramatically affect your character, your decisions and your life path," says Pinson. "I hope this painting helps people press on through all the struggles of life and live better today because of the great party, victory, and reunion there is in heaven."

About the Artist
Pinson lives in the Duluth suburb of Atlanta, Georgia with his wife Deborah, who has been instrumental in his success. He received degrees in Christian theology from Abilene Christian University and enjoys combining his passions for biblical teachings and landscape painting to create
Christian art. He began his painting career in 2008 and uses the trademark "Chuck Pinson -- Art with Meaning" to describe his brand. His art is featured on many products around the world.

To see an inspirational video describing "The Bridge of Triumph," visit
www.chuckpinson.com or www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVgqMJmIAvU.