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'Bella' Co-Producer to Speak at Apologetics Conference on Culture and Arts

Contact: Anthony Horvath, Athanatos Christian Ministry, 202-280-7971, publicity@athanatos.org

MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Jason Jones, co-executive producer of the award winning pro-life film, "Bella," will present at Athanatos Christian Ministry's 2011 online apologetics conference which will take place April 8-9, 2011. The conference calls on Christians to mount a defense of Christianity through the arts. The 2011 conference is emphasizing the defense of marriage, family, and life through film and movies. "Bella" is known for its powerful pro-life message but its positive portrayal of family life makes the movie- and one of its producers- a perfect fit for the upcoming conference.

Keynoting the conference is Dr. Gene Edward Veith, Jr., a prominent cultural critic and advocate for Christians in the arts. Also presenting is movie producer and director Dallas Jenkins, creator of the recently released movie, "What If?" They are joined by the Dove Foundation CEO, Dick Rolfe, among others.

Executive Director of ACM, Anthony Horvath, explains why an apologetics conference is emphasizing a defense of the family, "Statistics continually show what many of us already knew from personal experience: people are falling away from Christianity in droves. Given what some of those same statistics tell us about the role of healthy, intact, godly families in faith formation, it stands to reason that a defense of the family amounts to a defense of Christianity. Since the attack on the family often comes through the media and the culture, it makes sense to ponder how best to resist- and fight back."

ACM's conference is held entirely online allowing people from around the world to attend. The conference aims to bring together theologians, 'culture warriors,' artists, writers, and film makers with the goal of inspiring the Church to more intentionally and proactively communicate and defend the Gospel through the arts.

The conference website is: www.onlineapologeticsconference.com.
The conference is already taking registrations. Normally $59.95, the first fifty registrants can pay just $21 with early bird specials after that at $30 each.

A short film contest offers more than $1,000 in awards with only a minimal submission fee. The contest is judged by conference attendees, conference speakers and sponsors, and the greater public.

Says Horvath, "Our video contest is our way to put our money where our mouth is, supporting Christians in the visual arts. Hopefully placing in our contest will open up other opportunities for them."

Anthony Horvath is available for interviews at 202-280-7971 or publicity@athanatos.org. ACM's website is www.athanatosministries.org.