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Physician Diet Expert Says, 'An Apple a Day is Okay, but Don't Forget the Chocolate'

Contact: Dr. Rita Hancock, 405-447-4999, rita.hancock@gmail.com; www.TheEdenDiet.com

OKLAHOMA CITY, May 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- In the face of increasing obesity rates, Rita Hancock M.D. gives astonishingly simple and merciful advice for weight loss, "Quit trying to eat 100% healthy as you lose weight because it backfires." Dr. Rita bases her advice on her faith, her nutrition and obesity psychology training at Cornell University, her fat metabolism research experience and her personal experience losing 75 pounds and keeping it off for 26 years.

Dr. Rita is quick to point out the catch in her plan. "You must be physically not emotionally hungry before you eat your treats." To distinguish true vs. false hunger, she recommends The Apple Test. If you aren't hungry enough to eat an apple, you get no food, period. When tempted to eat unnecessary food, look for distractions or pray. Portion control and exercise are also important for weight loss.

Dr. Rita outlines these methods in her book, "The Eden Diet--How To Eat Treats, Enjoy Your Food, And Lose Weight," which was released in paperback by Zondervan in December, 2009.

Other physicians have rallied behind Dr. Rita's efforts. Cara Brown M.D., a family physician in Colorado, said, "This book frees its readers from the roller coaster of dieting." Surgeon Clark Gerhart M.D. of Pennsylvania said, "The Eden Diet relies on medically proven healthful eating habits and avoids extreme dieting techniques that rarely produce long term weight control and can be deleterious to your health." Family physician, Steve Cox, D.O. of Oklahoma said, "The Eden Diet will teach you to recognize true hunger and become known as the one that can walk away from the buffet." And, Amy Givler M.D. of Louisiana said, "I strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in losing pounds and then staying a healthy weight."

The Eden Diet is a No Condemnation weight loss program that advocates eating according to your God-given hunger and fullness signals rather than ever-changing diet fads that rarely produce long-term behavioral change. When you eat according to hunger, versus emotions and mindless habits, you end up craving the healthier food that nourishes you in between those occasional junk food vacations.

Dr. Rita's program includes a book, workbook, audio CDs for relaxation and extensive free support, including support groups, a newsletter, and an online interactive forum/blogging site/chatroom. Find out more about the program by visiting www.TheEdenDiet.com or contact Dr. Rita at 405-447-4999 weekdays or via email rita.hancock@gmail.com.