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Dr. Pat Fagan Honored with Pope Pius XI Award

Contact: J.P. Duffy or Darin Miller, 866-FRC-NEWS; both with Family Research Council 

WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Pat Fagan, Senior Fellow and Director of Marriage and Religion at the Family Research Council, has been honored with the Society of Catholic Social Scientists' Pope Pius XI Award for "contributions towards building up of a true Catholic Social Science."

Previous recipients of this prestigious honor include Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon of Harvard and Notre Dame Prof. Gerard Bradley.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins made the following remarks on the award:

    "Armed with a Ph.D. and many years of academic and professional experience, Pat's Marriage and Religion Research Institute, headquartered here at FRC, is on the leading edge of demonstrating that, as he puts it, 'The social sciences well done cannot but illustrate the way God made man.'

    "Pat's extraordinary work, which is devoted to understanding how the biblical model of the family sustains and strengthens culture and society, places him in the highest tier of American social scientists. Congratulations, Dr. Fagan -- and keep up your important work," concluded Perkins.