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Leaving Ministry to the Professionals a Big Problem, According to OC-based Church

Contact: Kelli Hawkins, 719-244-6996

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif., June 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Research estimates it costs around $345,000 to convert one person to Christianity, and one OC-based pastor thinks he sees the real problem.

According to research published in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research (January 2008), the salaries of the 12 million dedicated Christian ministry professionals around the world -- both clergy and lay persons -- divided by the number of converts puts the cost at $345,000 per new Christian (measured by baptisms).

Ken Eastburn, pastor of The Well, acknowledges that number sounds outrageous, but rather than criticize ministry leaders as ineffective or point fingers at wasteful spending, he sees a different source of the problem.

"We're looking at this all wrong. Ministry professionals aren't the ones who should be doing the work in the first place. Their jobs are to equip ordinary Christians to spread the gospel, to make disciples and share the love of Jesus," says Eastburn.

This way of thinking is put into practice every day at The Well, a network of house churches that was once a traditional Southern Baptist church. In fact, as the lead pastor, Eastburn is the only paid ministry professional at The Well.

"The real ministry," he says, "is done by the Christians in our gatherings throughout Orange County. My job is only to equip, coach, and empower them."

The Well has been actively discovering how to implement this philosophy since it left its building in 2005 to begin meeting in houses. "We're getting back to the basics, helping ordinary Christians reach others for Christ," notes Eastburn.

The Well is sharing its discoveries and unique journey on its blog, www.leavethebuildingblog.com, and invites Christians--ministry professionals and ordinary Christians alike--to join the conversation.