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Rowan Williams and Desmond Tutu Call for Action at COP-15

Odyssey Networks Talks with Top Faith Leaders

Contact: Mary Dickey, Manager-Public Relations & Marketing, 212-870-1046, Mdickey@odysseynetworks.org; Desiree Frieson, Associate-Public Relations & Marketing, 212-870-1053, Dfrieson@odysseynetworks.org; both with Odyssey Networks 

NEW YORK, Dec. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- They arrived in Copenhagen within hours of each other--two Anglican Archbishops with worldwide reputations for championing human rights and climate justice. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, are at COP-15 to advocate for substantive action on the environmental crisis.  Dr. Williams addressed the demonstrators who were packing the streets of Copenhagen urging them to "help our leaders to lead." Archbishop Tutu called on the wealthy nations of the world to address immediately the suffering of developing nations severely impacted by climate change.

Mark Dowd, formerly of the BBC, conducted exclusive interviews with each of the Archbishops for "Faith at the Summit," a web production of Odyssey Networks. Odyssey is providing the only video coverage focusing on the interfaith community in action at COP-15. The videos include conversations and commentary from faith leaders from around the world who have come to Copenhagen to advocate for climate justice. These can be viewed at www.odysseynetworks.org. The Odyssey site also includes video diaries, blogs, youth-oriented video reports and forums. "Faith at the Summit" launched on December 7 and will continue with video reports from Copenhagen through December 19.

About Odyssey Networks
Odyssey Networks is the nation's largest coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith groups dedicated to producing and distributing media that promotes causes such as peace, tolerance, social justice and the environment. Established in 1987, Odyssey Networks is a service of the National Interfaith Cable Coalition, Inc. For more information visit odysseynetworks.org.