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Prop 8 Ruling Response

Contact: Tony Nassif, 818-848-7522

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Recently, a San Francisco federal judge ruled California's marriage amendment unconstitutional.  Here's why he's wrong:

  • Political/Judicial Tyranny: Recent news reports question if this judge is homosexual. Is he biased?  Has the Constitution and judicial process be subverted? 7 Million Californians voted for traditional marriage yet one judge tears it down. The California Governor and Attorney General did not uphold their duty to defend Prop 8. They don't want to wait for the appeals process, how reprehensible.
  • Right to Self Determination: Communities have a right to determine moral standards.
    Question:  Why are politicians supporting a deviant and deadly lifestyle?  Supporters implement a PR campaign, dedicate time and money, engage the political/judicial process. National moral absolutes are abrogated while many churches keep silent.
  • The Threat:  The Clinton administration declared the HIV/AIDS virus a threat to national security. Men having sex with men are 4% of men in America. Over 50% of HIV/AIDS virus is contracted by men having sex with men (CDC).
  • Unnatural, Uncreated and a Choice:  Many have rejected homosexuality and are now living normal heterosexual lives. Homosexuals are promiscuous having up to 1000 partners. (J. Reisman)
  • Normal is undermined.  Homosexuality and homosexual marriage confuses children, enticing them to experiment with homosexuality, exposing them to health and emotional dangers.
  • Law of Subjective Responsibility: Pharaoh refused Moses' demand and the plagues came on Egypt. Adam sinned and all mankind suffered. If this ruling stands what awaits America? 
  • The Coming Persecution:  If this decision stands, lawsuits against the Church will follow.
  • Declaration of Independence:  The "Supreme Judge of the World"
    The Declaration of Independence, the cornerstone of the Constitution declares..."We therefore, the representatives of the United Colonies submit the rectitude of our intentions to the Supreme Judge of the world. This Judge has standards of right and wrong with blessing or judgment.
  • He is the God of the Bible condemning homosexuality, offering hope of forgiveness. 
  • Failure of the Church:  Homosexuals are politically effective. The Church, with the exception of some pastors, are led by ineffective fearful or even apostate leaders fearful of engaging the moral conflict or even accepting of homosexual perversion.
    Contrary to biblical truth, many fail to stand for truth while the demonic strategy incorporates the perverse. The Church, led by Jesus, stands for truth.
    Jesus drove out the moneychangers,  Elijah confronted the false prophets, John the Baptist confronted Herod, Church Fathers Ambrose of Milan and John Chrysostom confronted the Emperors immorality.
  • Rome: The Warning
    Under Nero, Rome burned while he played his harp. Today, churches sing hymns...and "Rome" is still burning. God will hold us to account.

Many call for prayer.  When Israel was facing the Red Sea and Pharaoh was approaching, Moses Prayed.  God said "Why are you crying out to me?  Take the rod and you part the Red Sea by my power."  Prayer must be accompanied by action.  We must engage the culture, the political process and the Church. 

About Tony Nassif:  Mr. Nassif is a prolific commentator on radio and television on issues of public policy.  He's been interviewed on such programs and with such leaders as Family News in Focus from Focus on the Family, Today's Issues from American Family Association with Tim Wildmon, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) Cornerstone Television, and FOX NEWS to mention a few.  He also writes public policy statements on a broad range from the war in Iraq to abortion.  He is he founder and president of the Cedars Cultural and Educational Foundation and the Preventing Abuse Conferences on Human trafficking, Child Abduction and Internet Safety.