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'Helping' the People of Haiti
Contact for reporters/journalists: media@fightpp.org; General E-Mail: ldi@fightpp.org; Interviews, 703-203-3500
FRONT ROYAL, Va., Jan. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Planned Parenthood will use any excuse to ask for money, even when doing so is ridiculous," said Douglas R. Scott, president of Life Decisions International (LDI), a Planned Parenthood watchdog organization. "What the people of Haiti need is food, water, clothing and shelter. They do not need anything Planned Parenthood has to offer." Scott was referring to the efforts of Planned Parenthood to raise money for the "Haiti earthquake emergency."
"Planned Parenthood's deadly network wants to provide 'sexual and reproductive health to people affected by the disaster.' While there are many organizations offering essential healthcare to the people of Haiti, Planned Parenthood wants to be sure that this includes birth control and abortion," Scott said.

"Women and children are the most badly affected in times of crisis, yet their needs are too often overlooked," reads one Planned Parenthood plea for money. "In this life-and-death situation, the time to act is now. We urgently need your support to help...continue to provide their critical, lifesaving services to the people of Haiti. Your gift will directly support the maintenance and restoration of basic services..."

Scott said he is reminded of Planned Parenthood's response to other disastrous circumstances. "This kind of self-serving opportunism is common for Planned Parenthood," he said, pointing to several examples:

*   After the fall of Romania's brutal dictator in 1989, Planned Parenthood donated $22,000 to buy abortion equipment and arranged for an airlift of 40,000 condoms.

*   Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Planned Parenthood offered a week of free "reproductive health care" (taxpayers picked up the tab).

*   When the southeastern United States was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Planned Parenthood raised money to provide "essential medication" and "bare necessities." Just what constitutes "essential medication" and "bare necessities"? A few Planned Parenthood affiliates donated a month's supply of birth control pills or an emergency birth control kit while others sold the items at a reduced cost. "We want the women from Louisiana and Mississippi to know that Planned Parenthood is here to serve them in their time of need," said one Planned Parenthood official.

"Planned Parenthood looks at emergency birth control the same way most people view food, water and shelter," Scott said. "And why do I think that not one person left homeless by a disaster was concerned about birth control?"

"I hate to sound cynical, but I am--and my cynicism is based on experience," Scott said. "What better fund-raising tool is there than a photograph of desperate men, women and children who had been devastated by an earthquake? Planned Parenthood routinely uses natural disasters to raise money, but it addresses not one true need. When people are standing outside with a hand stretched out, they do not expect someone to put a condom or birth control pill in it. Planned Parenthood officials should be ashamed."

Life Decisions International (LDI) is dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death, concentrating on exposing and fighting the agenda of Planned Parenthood. LDI's chief project is a boycott of corporations that fund the abortion-committing giant. To learn more about Planned Parenthood, please click here.