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Godshub.com Launches New Online Resource to Help Restore Our Christian Heritage
Contact: Chris Fenner, 281-844-8366

KATY, Texas, Dec. 18, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Godshub.com is a faith-based company organized to bring hope to the Christian community -- and to unbelievers -- that our nation can return to the vision and the principles of our Christian heritage. "Bringing large amounts of online Christian information to users in the form of videos, articles and links to great websites, was no easy task," said Chris Fenner, President of Godshub. "We assembled the best links available within the online Christian community, which met with our standard. This standard allowed us to comb through many sites, and we currently have over 90 organizations included and more being added. These links provide access to thousands of quality Christian educational resources, with all links available to anyone free of charge."

Fenner continued, "A core team of seven founding members met for over two years to define the scope and criteria for inclusion, plus the research and methodology for delivering the information. Our principal driver is helping people understand the importance of God's teachings in the shaping of our society, both at its founding and now that our nation desperately needs to come back to God. Few can doubt that our nation has strayed too far from its Christian heritage, and it is our core belief that only through God can we restore the liberty and freedoms of self-governing individuals acting under the teachings of the Bible and the content of the Constitution."

Godshub vision is for a revival in our nation -- in the magnitude of a Great Awakening -- so that the United States of America is once again one nation under God. In order for this vision to become a reality, the founders believe that a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit in our nation is needed. This movement of the Holy Spirit will awaken silent Christians from their lethargy, and will move Christian organizations to act in the unity of John 17:23. Many unbelievers will come to Christ, and God's grace will once again be poured out on our nation.

Godshub.com was launched December 5th, 2013. The founders invite everyone to GODSHUB.com and see what a blessing God has given us to pass onto them.

More information can be found at www.godshub.com.