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A Bright New Morning for America

Contact: Phil Mitchell, 773-375-0816

OPINION, May 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Phil Mitchell:

A Bright New Morning
Many of us start our day to a new morning.  We may see the sun coming up or be glad to have a day off from work.  We may start the morning with a breakfast or listening to the radio.
How do you start your morning?  What is a bright new morning?  I asked people to tell me what was a bright new morning.  I received many different replies.
The sun is up and shining was a common response.  "A day I can sleep late, that is a bright morning." "A day when my wife doesn't growl at me."  "I will not get swamped at work."
A superintendant of a school said, "A bright new morning is waking up from all of this. The state is on us and we don't have much money.  I am just waiting for all this to one day end and I know that it will..."  A pastor at a marriage retreat said a bright morning was saying a prayer while you hold your spouses hand.  One person called for a prayer asking for a kidney transplant, "that is my bright new
Here I was, driving a trolley in a parade.  The guiding principle of the parade is education and 60 schools attend.  "Dia De Los Ninos" parade ends Harrison Park with games and activities for children.  I drove a trolley for the Department of Family Services.  The person in charge told me that a bright new morning was offering the children in the trolley to do something like this, to see something different.  Brother Ray came on board and started our parade with a prayer.  He was another trolley driver who told me that he spends a lot of time helping the kids.
My dream was always to help bring America a new morning for our children.  Maybe there will be a morning when the national debt will be eradicated and all Americans will have jobs.  Maybe there will be a morning when people are willing to stand up nationwide and take pride as a family.  We may not be all the same, but we are all in this thing together.  Our children are counting on us.
Henry told me, "Phil, I grew up in the projects.  A bright new morning was  making sure no one was hungry or had a place to stay.  If someone needed a bite to eat, I gave them one.  If someone did not have a place to stay, we invited them into the house.  This is how America will change, everyone starting the morning just doing a little thing.  Maybe, someone just needs five dollars to go to the store.  You would be suprised on how a little thing will really brighten someone's morning."
"Lord, when did I see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When  did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we  see you ill and in prison, and visit you? And the king will reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did it for me."  Matthew 25:37-40

To all of you, I wish you a bright new morning......
"Freedom Phil"
Phil Mitchell

"America Song" written by Phil Mitchell
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Come out July 3 and 4.