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Prep2Bless Makes Emergency Prep Easy with Five Steps
North Texas Citizens invited to Emergency Preparedness Day on September 15th
Contact: Lynn Scarborough, 469 951-7051, Lynn4media@gmail.com; Elizabeth Erickson, 972-207-0426, elizabetherickson@me.com
GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas, Aug. 28, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- When it comes to emergencies and disasters, most Americans acknowledge that they are unprepared. A February survey published by Persuadable Research Corporation stated the reasons for a lack of preparedness are: the expense, a lack of awareness and a lack of time. With hundreds of "prepper" websites selling product and reality shows such as Doomsday Preppers, many people are overwhelmed by too much information.
Taking the stance that emergency prep doesn't have to be difficult, Prep2Bless is providing North Texans with an opportunity to be informed and empowered to start prepping the right way. This Emergency Preparedness Training and Expo on September 15 is being held from 8 AM to 5 PM at Shady Grove Church in Grand Prairie.
"We found that people, who believed emergency prep was important, had stalled out because the process seemed too complicated and impossible to finish. So we reshaped information and people are being empowered," explains Prep2Bless Coordinator, Lynn Scarborough. Participants will learn how to make a family emergency plan in the "Five Steps of Smart Prep", within a budget and 15 minutes a day.
"This is not a fear based zombie apocalypse survival training, but rather a practical approach with detailed, interactive workshops," explains Scarborough. "The goal of Prep2Bless is to equip individuals and faith-based communities with the skills for effective response in times of crisis so that they can in turn be a blessing to others in times of disaster."
Prep2Bless interactive presentations will include topics such as – Help! NO Power!, What to Do 15 Minutes After, Building an Emergency Kit, First Aid, Food and Water Storage, Elderly Care During Emergencies, Self Defense taught by Navy Seals, Animal Care, Gardening in the City, HAM Radio, Stories from the Front Lines, and more!
Emergency Preparedness speakers include: FEMA, Red Cross, World Vision, City Officials with Police, Fire, & Water Departments, Texas Baptist Men and others.
The increase in natural disasters, hurricanes and terrorist events such as the Aurora shooting, has made "prepping" a top of mind issue. On Saturday, September 15, Prep2Bless will provide the citizens of North Texas an opportunity to learn easy and effective methods for emergency preparation.
For information on Prep2Bless, visit Prep2Bless.com, register online prep2bless-shadygrove.eventbrite.com . Registration is $15 all training, workshops and lunch. Booths/expo free to public. Group rates available. Prep2Bless@gmail.com or 972 957-7371 or 972 95PREP1.
Media contact: Lynn Scarborough 469 951-7051, Lynn4media@gmail.com; Elizabeth Erickson 972 207-0426, elizabetherickson@me.com