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CWA Attends Bill Signing for Decency Victory

The Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act is Signed into Law


To: National Desk

Contact: Stacey Holliday, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext. 126

WASHINGTON, June 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) attended the White House ceremony of the signing into law of The Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act, S. 193, introduced by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas).  Now that President Bush has signed this bill into law, broadcasting regulations will increase indecency fines tenfold, from the current $32,500 per offense, up to $325,000. 


“This is a tremendous victory not only for CWA and the grassroots who have worked to see this bill’s passage, but for every family across America,” said Swann. “Broadcasters will finally be held financially responsible for blatantly abusing broadcast decency standards.  Up until now, broadcasting fines have been a drop in the bucket for millionaire broadcast corporations. Hopefully, a steep hike in fines will cause them to think twice before televising flagrant filth. 


“The American public is taking back their airwaves and demanding clean, wholesome entertainment.  TV watchers should soon be less likely to stumble across vulgar language and insulting material as they flip through the channels.  We join with families across the nation in celebrating the President’s signing of this law to create realistic penalties for future ‘wardrobe malfunctions.’


“Many thanks to the concerned citizens and grassroots who have worked tirelessly to see the final passage of this bill.  You have truly made a difference.  Your calls and e-mails have been heeded by leadership in Washington, D.C. We also applaud Sen. Brownback, Senate Majority Leader Frist, Speaker Hastert and Majority Leader Boehner for responding to the demand of their constituents and pushing for passage of this Act in the Senate and House.”


“Irresponsible broadcasters may still push the envelope, excuse vulgarity as ‘fleeting,’ and blame parents if kids are exposed to obscenity,” said Wendy Wright, President of CWA. “But now everyone knows who is really to blame, and there’s a means to hold them accountable. A powerful tool at parents’ disposal to protect their kids is a direct line to the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] to get broadcasters where it counts – in the pocket book.”


Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.