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Culture Clash or Culture Crash? New Book by Dr. Ted Baehr Offers Insider's View of Hollywood & Christianity's Role

WHO Can Succeed in Hollywood And HOW Faith & Family Values have Rocked the Silver Screen

Contact: Jackie Monaghan, 615-646-5990, media1@wnd.com

WASHINGTON, April 27, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Ted Baehr, Founder and Publisher of MovieGuide and Chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission is talking to national media this month about his newly released book from WND Books -- How To Succeed In Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul) A Fieldguide For Christian Screenwriters, Actors, Producers, Directors and More.

The past quarter century has seen a 60% explosion in Christian content and family values in movies distributed by the major filmhouses -- from less than 1% in 1985 to nearly 60% in 2010. Six of the top ten movies with worldwide release in 2010 were family movies (according to Box Office Mojo) with many of the remaining being action flicks targeted to the teen market. The movies with the strongest Christian content and values are making more money per movie than ever. And, some would say that the top movie of 2010, Toy Story 3, pulling in a whopping $1 billion, was, by far, considered to be one of the best movies of last year.

Author Ted Baehr, longtime entertainment industry professional knows what it takes for a committed Christian to rise above the slippery slopes of Hollywood shoddiness. He tackled the industry head-on and now reveals how opportunities unique to people of faith can use their faith to change the culture of Hollywood, harnessing their God-given talents to make significant contributions to the entertainment world. This book is a must read for aspiring artists in Hollywood.

In-depth interviews with industry giants explore the WHY and HOW of making blockbusters like The Blind Side, Spider-Man, Finding Nemo and The Passion of Christ. Contributors include:

  • Richard Cook, former Chairman of Disney Studios
  • Randall Wallace, writer of Secretariat, Braveheart, Pearl Harbor, and We Were Soldiers (which he also produced and directed)
  • Phil Roman, executive producer of Garfield, Tom and Jerry and The Simpsons
  • Don Hahn, producer of The Lion King, Beauty and The Beast and The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Bill Fay, executive producer of Superman Returns, Clash of the Titans, Independence Day and The Patriot
  • Andrew Stanton, scriptwriter for Toy Story, Monster's Inc. and Finding Nemo

These and more of the best and brightest share how they developed and honed their screenwriting, acting and directing skills to create a happier Hollywood.

How To Succeed in Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul) is clearly an important book for these wanting to break into today's entertainment industry, especially people of faith and values.

Not only does it illustrate to the reader how to succeed in the precarious world of show business, but also how to avoid and overcome the plethora of pitfalls and obstacles that block the way to success, and do it without compromising values. How To Succeed in Hollywood
demonstrates how the average citizen can redeem the values found in mass media and the entertainment world, for the benefit of all of our children and grandchildren, who are, in many ways, the primary audience of that industry.

About the Author
TED BAEHR is Founder and Publisher of Movieguide (
www.movieguide.org) and Chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission, as well as a noted critic, educator, lecturer, and media pundit. BAEHR is past president of the Episcopal Radio & Television Foundation, which won an Emmy for Best Animated Special for "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe," which aired on CBS during his tenure and was watched by more than 37 million viewers in 1980. Ted was nominated for another Emmy Award for the PBS Series "Perspectives: War and Peace," in which he served as the executive producer, creative director and host.

Publisher: WND Books
PRICE: $15.95
PAPERBACK ISBN: 978-1-936488-27-8
EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-936488-65-0
Website: WNDBooks.com
Media Contact: media1@wnd.com