Contact: Dr. Wayne Lutton, Editor, The Social Contract Quarterly, 231-347-1171,
PETOSKEY, Mich., Dec. 1, 2010 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) recently attacked pro-family and Christian organizations, including the Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, and the American Family Association, labeling them "hate groups" for upholding traditional family values and opposing the gay-rights political agenda.
The Social Contract, a quarterly journal on public policy, issued a special report on the SPLC that exposes its "ritual defamation" tactics as a weapon to advance a far-left agenda and a device to raise more money from gullible liberals to add to its $200 million slush fund. Among its findings:
* The Alabama-based group has a long history of smearing conservatives as "racists" and, now, "homophobic" haters. Targets include: Eagle Forum, the Heritage Foundation, Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), and Sen.-elect Rand Paul.
* The SPLC is closely aligned with cultural Marxists and convicted terrorists like Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers, who was lauded by the SPLC's "Teaching Tolerance" project as a "civil rights organizer ... teacher and author."
* Belying the "Poverty" in its name, the SPLC has amassed $200 million in "reserve funds" that its secretive directors invest in hedge funds and offshore bank accounts in places like the Cayman Islands. The tax-exempt organization spends almost 90 percent of its revenue on "fund-raising and administrative costs" and flunked an audit by the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance.
Copies of this explosive report are available both in hard copy and on-line at our website:
Contact: Dr. Wayne Lutton, Editor, The Social Contract Quarterly, 231-347-1171,