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The Kingdom Cubs Bear the Good News
Is it Possible for Bears to Teach the Good News?
Contact: Vicki Hubbard, The Kingdom Cubs, 623-826-0859
MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Founder Daniel Hubbard of The Kingdom Cubs has made it his mission to produce talking bears that recite Bible Scripture. The LC Chip inserted in the paw of each Cub has made it possible. The first releases are the Genesis 9:13 Cubs standing 14" High. Hubbard's mission to spread the gospel to children of all ages inspired the birth of The Kingdom Cubs.
Hubbard has started from the very beginning with the first set of Cubs known as the Genesis 9:13 Model. They are aimed for children of all ages. Hubbard is thrilled to hear that mature faith based followers in their Golden Years are also fond of the cuddly Bible Based Bears. Young parents and Grandparents collect the spiritual gifted bears to pass on to the next generation.
"Morally educating children is very important." Hubbard continues, "Creating toys that help parents accomplish these values is priceless."