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Terry For President Campaign Arrives in Kansas, Opens Office in Wichita: The Goal is to Win Kansas

Contact: Juan Lepanto, 202-531-7547; www.TerryForPresident.com

KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA, WICHITA, Kan., March 20, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Randall Terry, Democratic candidate for U.S. President, beat President Obama in 14 counties in the Democratic Oklahoma Primary on March 6, and won 18% of the vote statewide. The Terry For President Campaign team opens office in Wichita on Wednesday, March 21st to campaign for the April 14 Democratic Caucus.
Mr. Terry will participate in the Kansas, Wyoming, and Alaska primary caucuses. His goal is to obtain a large minority of the vote, or even defeat Obama in one state.
On Wednesday, March 21, advance campaign team members travel to Kansas City, Topeka, and Wichita, to hold press conferences in each city. Gary Boisclair, assistant director for Terry's Kansas campaign, will speak on behalf of Mr. Terry.
In keeping with Kansas Democratic Party Presidential Caucus rules, Mr. Terry has sent his letter of intent, and check for $1,000 delivered to the Kansas Democratic Headquarters in Topeka (arrived Tuesday, March 20).  Mr. Boisclair will distribute copies of his letter of intent and a copy of the check to the media at each press conference, as well as copies of the campaign literature to be used in Kansas.
Randall Terry States:

    "The Kansas, Wyoming, and Alaska Caucuses are tailor made for an 'insurgency campaign' such as ours. We proved in Oklahoma that our message -- defending unborn babies from murder, and stopping Obama's attack on the Church and religious liberty -- resonate with a large number of Democratic voters. We are excited to carry this banner for life and liberty in Kansas. Being a voice for conservative Catholic and Evangelical Democrats has great value to the party and this election cycle."

Mr. Boisclair states:

    "We are pleased to open our new campaign office in Wichita.  We look forward to discussing Mr. Terry's plans for a competitive Democratic caucus against Mr. Obama.  

    "The scant 4% turnout of registered Republican voters for the Kansas GOP caucus assures that pro-life voters will attend the Democratic semi-open caucus on April 14.  Because of Mr. Terry's run, pro-life Democrats from across the state will be able to send Mr. Obama a message regarding his promotion of child killing by abortion, and his attack on religious liberty in his HHS regulations regarding birth control and drugs that murder the unborn."

Press Conference Schedule:

Wednesday, March 21,

9:30 AM Kansas City, KS
In front of US District Court
259 U.S. Courthouse
500 State Avenue
Kansas City, KS

11:30 AM Topeka, KS
In front of Kansas Democratic Party Headquarters
700 SW Jackson #706
Topeka, KS 66603
3:00 PM Wichita, KS
Word of Life Ministries Building / Terry For President Campaign Office
3811 North Meridian Ave
Wichita KS