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John Meacham Reports Hearing God Speak from a Fiery Cloud in 'Divine Revelation'

Contact: John Meacham, 919-601-3902

RALEIGH, N.C., Nov. 22, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- In his new book "Divine Revelation: a call from Christ to join the armies of Heaven," John Meacham reported hearing God speak from a Fiery Cloud as described in the Bible passage Exodus 13:21. John revealed that the gigantic column-shaped cloud was one hundred meters wide and three hundred meters high. Inside the cloud, a swarming mixture of purple, pink, orange, red, and yellow fire illuminated the predawn sky. From the cloud, Meacham reported that God said these words loud and clear: "Make it simple. Get it right."

In "Divine Revelation," John Meacham shares that the Holy Spirit interpreted these words to mean simplify our lives, seek righteousness, accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and put God first. In his discussion of God speaking, John describes the Holy Spirit parting the pages of his Bible and leading him to the development of a church Shepherd Group Program to help Christians live out these words God spoke from the Fiery Cloud.

In "Divine Revelation," John Meacham details AIM (An Involved Membership), a five-year Shepherd Group Program focused on spiritual development. This Shepherd Group Program employs a theme Bible passage for each year and provides materials for individual Bible study, class curriculum for group study, and a theme passage for preaching at Sunday worship. Meacham shares how the Holy Spirit parted the pages of his Bible to reveal these theme passages for each of the five years: Romans 12:1-21 -- Put God First, John 3:1-21 -- Born In Christ, John 6:35-58 -- Grow In Christ, Matthew 6:1-21 -- Live In Christ, and John 14:1-21 -- Conquer In Christ. John listed some of the benefits to a church that institutes the AIM Program as a spiritually hot congregation, Pastors preaching about "Putting God First," Christians making Christ the core of their lives, elder/leader training in prayer and pastoral care, visiting the sick, fellowship, and both devotional and group Bible study.

In "Divine Revelation," John Meacham closes his discussion of God speaking by recognizing God's guidance and strength in his life and the realization that, as is written in Psalm 118:23, "The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes."

John Meacham's book "Divine Revelation: a call from Christ to join the armies of Heaven" is a message from Jesus Christ to everyone who calls themselves a Christian. Through the divine revelations of John Meacham and numerous Bible passages, Christ speaks to the reader about accepting Him as their Lord and Savior, about being Born Again, about leading a rich Spiritual Life, about joining the Armies of Heaven, about Church Reform, and about helping Him prepare the church for His Second Coming.

John Meacham has heard the voice of God from a fiery cloud, seen the dazzling light of God's Glory, been indwelled by Jesus, traveled to the Sea of Galilee to write a book for Christ, and received seven messages for seven churches from Jesus Christ. John serves the Lord as a Christian Author and Prophet for Jesus Christ who has authored four Christian books and worked in Christ's Church as a Pastor, Preacher, Workshop Leader, Bible Study Instructor, and Teacher (www.johnmeacham.tateauthor.com).