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Praise God for Tattered Dreams - Grace Memoir

Contact: E.E. Laine, 515-299-0902, laine2e@yahoo.com 

MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- Once upon a time, I was separated from God by sin. Without Him in my life, I pursued worldly goals in hopes of making myself feel whole--until my busyness was halted by a massive stroke. Why did God let that happen? Why does He let any bad thing happen? On the flipside, why does God let good things happen?

Having been in conversation with Him for several years, I believe God lets things--good and bad--happen because He created us with free will. Everything in this world is the end result of people exercising their free will since Eve, then Adam, fell for Satan's evil ploy in the Garden of Eden.

Clearly, God could be saving us from ourselves but controlling our actions would deprive us of free will. God is ready, willing, and able to provide guidance to any saved person who seeks it, however. Praise God for Tattered Dreams describes how my stroke prompted me to declare peace with God and start asking for His guidance.

Suffering a near-fatal stroke at 33 wasn't on my to-do list but it did open my eyes to the reality I could choose to live forever. When I fully accepted that Jesus Christ was born, died, and resurrected so God would forgive my sins, I felt whole for the first time in my life. As an added bonus, the weight of this world was lifted from my shoulders when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
Like you, I don't know what the next moment holds but I do know my last step will lead me into God's presence for eternity. Reading Praise God for Tattered Dreams may well prompt you to decide to live happily ever after, too.

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:20)

About the Author
It took a massive stroke and almost 40 years for E.E. Laine to realize her "Jesus piece" was missing. With that piece in place, she left a lucrative, 18+ year career in business communications to proclaim God's Glory. This native of the Midwestern United States says life's been going her way since she stopped demanding, "Why me, God?" and started asking, "What's next, Lord?"

Bibliographic Information
Praise God for Tattered Dreams by E.E. Laine
ISBN: 0978-0-578-03375-4
Publication date: August 24, 2009
Published by: Lulu. To order a copy, please visit the Lulu website at www.lulu.com and search for "tattered dreams."
Price: $19.57 (print) or $4.13 (eBook)
Book highlight
Each of the 16 chapters includes a little-known stroke fact, someone famous who died of stroke, and a "BrainPing" E. has experienced in her recovery.

Author: E.E. Laine
Phone: 515-299-0902
ISBN: 978-0-578-03375-4