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Is Fear or Worry Destroying Your Future? 7 Ways to Get Hope and Peace

Contact: Doug Hagedorn, 972-529-1818 cell, 469-667-4888, dougdanakids@att.net; www.futurefoundationbuilders.com

DALLAS, Oct. 31, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- If Hurricane Sandy missed you, if you love both Presidential Candidates or if you are able to move to Monaco, where the average life expectancy is almost 90, more power to you! But the reality is that most people are living in a storm of uncertainty or just trying to hang on to what they have. All of us want hope and security. Most people desire to live a significant life; build a strong family tree; achieve financial freedom; and develop a secure plan for their future. The challenge is knowing what to do about the future and how to do it.

Doug Hagedorn, founder of Future Foundation Builders and author of A Lasting Legacy, says, "We all face uncertainty, worry, fear and stress, and we also face a shortage of future. Although disaster may strike your belongings, relationships, or health, what matters is how you respond and that you aggressively plan and act to ensure that you live a secure future. Life offers no curtain calls."

The prescription for a longer, more peaceful, hopeful life might surprise you. And it might not be as hard as you think. Many studies (AARP, Harvard, The Blue Zones, and Health Magazine) show that you can not only add peace and hope but also add years -- maybe decades -- to your life by acting in some key areas:

  • Discover a greater sense of purpose in your life.
  • Develop written goals and plans to accomplish them.
  • Put family first.
  • Make your marriage work.
  • Find God, and be involved with faith-based activities.
  • Laugh.
  • Share your life and time; develop close relationships, volunteer/serve.

A Future-Focused Life: Accomplishing these goals might be easier than the next fad diet, the trek to the gym, or saving 10% of your income. For those struck by disaster you will need to lean on others and God to help overcome. Priorities tend to change during times of challenge. Hagedorn overcame major health, financial, and family issues to live a secure, peaceful, purposeful life. Despite being the product of a divorce, undergoing heart surgery, having a rare neurological syndrome, and suffering massive debt, he is "living proof" of how to get hope, peace and live a rewarding "second half."

Designing Your Future: We now live longer than ever before. Since 1900, life expectancy has risen from 47 to 78 years. But increased uncertainty, turmoil, and stress can make those extra years more a burden than a blessing -- IF you don't have a plan for your future, family, finances, and faith. Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else." Most people do not experience peace, joy, and laughter because they don't have a plan. They are so focused on the issues or the struggles of the day that they give little, if any, thought to their "second half" or their legacy.

Eat at the Buffet: According to Michele Howe, author of Burdens Do a Body Good, "Hagedorn has created a veritable banquet of inspiration, instruction, and impactful resources that will recharge, redirect, and refocus you. Readers will be delighted and informed by the lively storytelling and insightful, interactive exercises." A Lasting Legacy is a unique smorgasbord of practical tools that provide a "solution buffet" that give the "how to" and "what to." Hagedorn's writing style, storytelling, and heartfelt passion for the reader are clearly evident. He doesn't just write about it; he has lived it. Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Ministries says, "Doug Hagedorn is a man with a passion to help others and a wealth of knowledge to accomplish it. He gracefully guides, directs and coaches those who desire a life that matters." According to early ordinary readers, A Lasting Legacy "is a life-changing book." "It is hopeful and helpful." "An easy and delightful read." "Practical, personal, and funny." "A strong encouraging voice in uncertain times!"

So What? We are all leaving a legacy. We all will be remembered for something. To maximize the God-given time we have left and to live a longer, more purposeful, happier life, you might start with the seven items listed above. Times of disaster can be divine intersections that cause us to reflect and change. Doug states, "It is my passion to ignite a fire in people's lives, to give them hope, and to spur them on to develop a plan for their life, family, and finances. It is time to hope and dream again, time to live and leave a rich, 'no-regrets' lasting legacy."

CONTACT: Doug Hagedorn, Cell: 972-529-1818, Alternate: 469-667-4888, BOX 3764, McKinney, TX 75069, Email: dougdanakids@att.net, www.futurefoundationbuilders.com, Publication date: Oct. 2012, 487 pages, 27.99: 1622305930, 978-1-62230-593-3