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Free Marriage Conference for Clark County Realtors
Event aims to strengthen marriages facing issues unique to industry
Contact: Dave Schaaf, Thriving Families, 360-816-1141, marriageinthemarket@gmail.com
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Realtors in Clark County will have the opportunity to attend a free marriage conference over the next two Tuesdays that aims to address the unique challenges facing their marriages.
The current economic climate has impacted the real estate industry, which in turn adds stressors on realtors’ marriages and family lives. This two-day conference will address these challenges and offer resources to strengthen marriages.
The conference, hosted by Thriving Families of Clark County, is the first of its kind in this region, bringing realtors from all over the community together. It will be held at the Vancouver Hilton on Tuesday May 11 and 18 from 7-9 pm.
Conference topics will include: Managing Money on a Bell Curve, Connecting in the Chaos, Making Moments that Matter in Your Marriage, and Parenting with Love and Logic.
While targeted specifically to married couples, this free event is open to all realtors in Clark County. For more information and to register, call 360.433.8656 or email marriageinthemarket@gmail.com
Event Details ---
What: Marriage in the Market: A marriage conference for realtors
When: Tuesday, May 11 and 18, 2010, 7-9 pm
Where:  Hilton Vancouver, 301 W 6th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
Thriving Families of Clark County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that exists to promote thriving marriages and families as the foundation towards of a stronger community. Formed in 2005, Thriving Families networks and creates partnerships among community, business, and church leaders to strengthen, educate, and encourage marriages and families to thrive. Visit www.thrivingfamilies.org