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Unresolved Biblical Issues Now Addressed
Contact: Dr. Solomon Huriash, Land Publishing Corp. , 954-721-6956, landpublishing@hotmail.com
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 6, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Author researcher professor Solomon Huriash deals with age-old Bible enigmas and found their solutions by methods that ranged from proving Bible's sync with science, using the meaning of the Hebrew words as understood at the time of the Exodus for proper translation, translating the metaphors and colloquialisms of the ancient Israelites to today's common language, and all of these and more now enables a new understanding of the Bible.
Genesis 2:5    Rain  
A misunderstanding between Bible and science that has never been resolved because it was not understood is found in Genesis 2:5, the verse that opens the door to the Garden of Eden story.
In Genesis 2:5, all English translations for both Christian and Hebrew Bibles read there was 'no rain' on earth and this referred to a period previous to about 6,000 years ago. Huriash proved in the analysis of the story of creation that the Bible was perfect and its position is correct. But science says that there was rain, lots and lots of rain, otherwise nothing could have grown and science is also correct.
So how is it possible for Bible and science to take opposing positions and yet both are correct? Professor Huriash resolves that issue and the explanation again brings science and Scripture closer together and ceases their adversarial postures.
Fig Leaves
Did Adam and Eve actually make garments of fig leaves? Huriash makes a case for his two findings on this issue.
1.       No one ever made clothing of tree leaves because in a few hours they would be withering. We now know that the expression of a 'garment made of leaves' was a metaphor for offering a poor excuse.

2.       The original scrolls of Moses had the word 'leaf' in the singular, and the reason it is important to translate it correctly is not just academic integrity but the fact that both Adam and Eve used the same single excuse, that was poor and unacceptable, and that was that each blamed others for their transgression. That explains why their contrition was not accepted and the fact the contrition was poor is indicated by the fact God explained it to them by giving them suitable garments which sent the message in metaphor what true contrition was all about.
Lesson of the Garden of Eden
For those who present the case that the story of the Garden of Eden is a parable that teaches a lesson, the question becomes then what is the lesson being taught? Huriash explains there were several lessons. One was that true contrition means assuming full responsibility for your actions and the other is the need to obey God for no person should believe that he or she knows better.
Other issues-both Biblical and historical
What was the reason entities like water and fish were not mentioned as being created; what are the true implications for understanding the status of women after a thorough review of the Garden of Eden story; was the works of Moses divinely inspired or given directly by a Supreme Power; did the Bible mention dinosaurs; is the accepted art form for the Ten Commandments encased in two rounded-top hinged stones a picture of beauty or a symbol of the desecration of the Ten Commandments, and so much more
MEDIA INQUIRIES: please contact Dr. Solomon Huriash at 954-721-6956 or landpublishing@hotmail.com