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Must Have Tool for Churches: Job Connection Web Application

Contact: Tim Krauss, 509-252-0852, TimK@NeedsMet.org; www.thejobconnection.org 

SPOKANE, Wash., May 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- Churches across the U.S. are feeling the ripple affects of high unemployment in their congregations and Job Connection's employment web application has become a real asset to their ministries. Since 2005, founder Tim Krauss has been supporting church communities with a customized web application that reduces unemployment, increases church involvement and takes advantage of technology. It gives church staff control over posting employment opportunities, provides user statistics, access to potential volunteers, and encourages church relationships and responsibility. It's a win-win experience.

The congregation at Resurrection Life Church in Michigan was suffering from devastatingly high unemployment. They started working with Job Connection in March, and the same day the application was launched, the man volunteering to lead the program, Geoff Brown, got a job. "The Job Connection service and [Krauss'] heart brought a spirit of hope back to so many of us," Brown states. "Our people needed help and hope, and Job Connection provided both. It contributes to the community by adding to your ministry's outreach and gets people working again!"

"In a recession, competition for jobs is high. Many employers are looking to large churches as a great place to find qualified candidates," Krauss explains. "Job seekers like Job Connection because they aren't distracted by multi-level marketing schemes and scams that are so prevalent on large job boards."

Job Connection is a subsidiary of NeedsMet, Inc, which provides innovative web applications that empower churches and non-profits to support their membership, produce organizational efficiency, and expand their influence in their community. A demonstration of Job Connection is available online at www.thejobconnection.org. For additional information email Tim Krauss at TimK@NeedsMet.org or call 509-252-0852.