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It is Better to Give Than to Receive

Contact: Dr. John Templeton, 703-918-1963

OPINION, April 5, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Dr. John Templeton:

    Giving. Giving back. Paying it forward. Concepts to live by and through modeling and stories -- how we raise our children. But -- in corporate America, there is a spectrum of decision making and priorities in regard to "giving" and support. In many cases, corporations give with an eye to helping their corporate missions and sometimes for advancing the roles of their specific businesses -- such as products, or services that are relevant to the needs of a variety of charities.

    For some corporations, however, there are striking examples of corporate priorities which result in significant giving, strong ethics, and religious principles -- as a matter of conviction and also as the basis for success and happiness in everything one does. This includes the way many such corporations are run. Sir John Templeton often said: "The more we give away, the more we have left."

    Therefore, Sir John would deeply admire Steve Green, the President of Hobby Lobby, for Steve's modeling through Hobby Lobby, the concept of donating considerable business profits to promote the Bible. For something called The Greatest Book Ever Written -- such a mission is very logical.

    Hobby Lobby, the arts and crafts giant based in Oklahoma City, donates nearly half its annual profits to promote the Bible. Even more, Hobby Lobby closes its stores on Sundays, it's most profitable per hour day of the week, so that families can worship together if they so choose. The decision to close stores on Sundays cost Hobby Lobby over $100 million in product sales annually. But setting aside time for worship is more important to Hobby Lobby than profits, further demonstrating their commitment to spiritual formation -- and specifically the Bible.

    In addition, to further illustrate its philosophy of "employees first," Hobby Lobby compensates new staff well beyond what is required by law -- in some cases more than 80 percent higher than minimum wage, a further reflection of the value Hobby Lobby places on their staff. The company also offers Biblically-based spiritual and financial counseling to its staff.

    In that same spirit: for the past several years, Green has been at the forefront of a project to acquire one of the world's largest private collections of Bibles and Biblical artifacts. This extraordinary collection will soon be open to the public in a new fifty-thousand square foot Bible museum in Washington, DC.

    It is business leaders like Green who embody a much wider, more substantive course for Corporate America. The National Bible Association recently recognized Green for his outstanding commitment to the Bible with its Sir John Templeton Bible Leadership Award. The National Bible Association established this award in my father's name, to recognize business leaders who are committed to successfully integrating work and biblical faith. Millions of individuals already do this every day. However, Green, like other recipients before him, serves as a model to all business executives of faith -- made real in word and action. It is this commitment and focus on spiritual wealth that make us stronger, better, and more influential business leaders -- for a restored nation and more resilient and inspired citizens.

Dr. John Templeton Jr. is President of the Templeton Foundation. He is the son of Sir John Templeton the founder of the Templeton Fund.