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PreachingToday.com Launches New Fall Sermon Series
Contact: Brian Larson, 630-260-6200, blarson@christianitytoday.com; Matt Woodley, mwoodley@christianitytoday.com
CAROL STREAM, Ill., Sept. 19, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- PreachingToday.com is kicking off a new fall sermon series by Andy Stanley titled "Taking Responsibility for Your Life." This four-part sermon series centers on the theme of responsibility. Andy Stanley explores the idea that God has given everyone unique responsibilities, and we will be most satisfied when we fulfill them.
Brian Larson, Editor of PreachingToday.com had this to say. "Irresponsible behavior causes all too many of the problems our people suffer. Andy Stanley's sermon series will be an absolute eye-opener for them. Imagine your church full of responsible people!"
PreachingToday.com will be releasing two more sermon series later this fall. You can also follow PreachingToday.com on Facebook and Twitter.
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