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New Book Demonstrates That Healing Prayer Enhances Medical Care

Contact: Carla Debbie Alleyne, Publicist, 646-229-1519

HERSHEY, Penn., May 4, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- For the past six years, Abby Abildness, President of Hershey Aglow Lighthouse and founder of Healing Tree International, and her team of prayer ministers have held a weekly healing prayer service in the chapel of the Penn State Hershey Medical Center. This ministry is sponsored by Healing Tree International, a local non-profit organization that networks churches and leaders from around the world to bring positive change to the nations.

Every Friday at 11:45 a.m. an announcement over the hospital PA system informs patients and families that a healing prayer service is about to commence in the chapel. Patients, family members, and even hospital staff make their way to the chapel where they are greeted by a team of caring prayer ministers. Lives are transformed, some are healed, and others receive prayer for divine direction or wisdom in making the right choices for care.

Abby H. Abildness has led the chapel's healing prayer service since it began in 2005. After receiving her own healing from endometrial cancer 32 years ago, Abby took God at His word that He is, indeed, the God who heals (Exodus 15:26). According to Abby, "Combining healing prayer with medical care can bring God's healing care to society around the world." The results are astounding. She counts it a privilege to come alongside the medical staff at Hershey Medical Center as they work tirelessly to minister medical healing to patients.

Through the release of her new book, Healing Prayer and Medical Care, Abby hopes the true stories of miracle healings and transformation will reveal the true heart of a Heavenly Father who wants to see people whole: body, mind and spirit. She also hopes it will inspire others who believe in a powerful God to work with their local hospital or clinic to hold a healing prayer service. In her new book, Abby shares a proven blueprint for establishing a vital healing prayer ministry in a hospital or medical setting. She reveals how the community of Christian believers and medical professionals can work hand-in-hand to achieve total healing which is God's Original Healthcare Plan. This pattern of healing is a continuation of the joint ministries of Dr. Luke and Apostle Paul in the Bible.

Healing Tree International, headquartered at the historical Londonderry Inn Bed and Breakfast, is located near Hershey, Pennsylvania. The Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) will be on the premises of the Inn on May 11th and 12th for interviews and documentation of the healing miracles which have transpired at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center and the Londonderry Inn as shared in Abby Abildness' book: Healing Prayer, and Medical Care. In the spirit of the "Luke 10 Good Samaritan," who took the wounded to the Inn for healing, the Londonderry Inn offers healing prayers weekly on Wednesday morning, and quarterly healing weeks for those who need concentrated intercession for medical recovery.

For more information about the author and the newly-released book Healing Prayer and Medical Care: God's Healthcare Plan (Destiny Image Publishers) please go to www.AbbyAbildness.com.

Abby Abildness is Director and Founder of Healing Tree International which was founded in 2005 and is based near Hershey, PA. Healing Tree International has a broad international network of churches and marketplace leaders and Christian ministries who are willing to use their knowledge and abilities to bring healing and restoration to redeem and transform nations. Healing Tree International focuses on four primary areas: Medical & Spiritual Care, Humanitarian Projects, Judicial Activities, and Business Development. To learn more, go to www.HealingTreeInternational.com or call (717) 838-7905.