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Crossroads Career Network Launches Interactive Wall of Prayer & Praise

Job Seekers and Career Explorers Foster Online Prayer Community

Contact: Brian Ray, 704-557-0300

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 21, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Crossroads Career® Network, a national community of churches providing faith-based, job search and career transition resources, rolled out its interactive wall of prayer and praise to foster online community.

Job seekers and career explorers confidentially post their prayer requests and praise reports to Crossroads Career Praise & Prayer Wall. Once approved, other users can click a 'Praise' or 'Pray' button to post a response on the wall, which also sends an email to the original poster letting them know that you prayed for them. Leveraging Facebook's social networking functionality, Crossroads Career's Praise & Prayer Wall allows users to view the responses to each praise report and prayer request.

"During today's tough economic times, it's easy to get overwhelmed," says Brian Ray, Founder of Crossroads Career Network. "Our Praise & Prayer Wall helps individuals reach out and ask our online community for prayer -- as well as share a praise reports when a prayer has been answered."

Sending your praise reports and prayer requests is just one aspect of Crossroads Career Praise & Prayer Wall. "What makes Crossroads Career's wall of prayer and praise a true online community is its ability to personally let others know that you've prayed for them or shared in their great news," states Elizabeth Smith, Crossroads Career web master. "People are hurting out there. It's all about creating a confidential community with others. We do not have to be alone and anxious, but in every situation, by prayer and thanksgiving, present our requests to God. We ARE better together in Him."

For additional information about Crossroads Career Network, or to post your own praise report or prayer request, visit us online at www.crossroadscareer.org/pray.

About Crossroads Career Network:
Crossroads Career Network is a national, non-profit Christian ministry of member churches dedicated to providing online career, ministry and employer resources through faith-based materials. Its current career groups and resources are sponsored by 100+ member churches in 20+ states throughout the country and internationally in South Africa. Crossroads Career Network churches are equipped to help people in their congregations and communities find jobs, careers and calling.

Visit Crossroads Career Network at
www.CrossroadsCareer.org, find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @MAXyourCAREER.