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Judgment Day, May 21: Another False Prophecy

Contact: Rev. Glenn Lee Hill, Retired Pastor, 252-442-7087, 252-567-1654, glh@embarqmail.com

OPINION, May 18, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Rev. Glenn Lee Hill, retired pastor from Rocky Mount, N.C.:

We are now only a couple of days away from the much-publicized rapture of Christians and the beginning of the final judgment. But, this is a false prediction, a misunderstanding of God's Word, and no biblical prophecy will be fulfilled on this coming Saturday, May 21, 2011. You can relax!

This false prophecy is a sad development for all Christians. Why? Because when it fails, all of us who believe in Jesus will become fodder for the comics, the late-night talk show hosts, and others who are always looking for a new excuse to mock our faith. Christianity, the name of Jesus, and all of us who love Him will bear the embarrassment of this false prophecy.

But this is nothing new! Christianity's modern-day prophets have kept us in great anticipation as they have predicted the imminent coming of the antichrist, the great tribulation, the rapture, the end of the world, the end of time, and Armageddon. Do you ever consider that decades pass, and one century ends and another begins, yet not any of these prophecies are ever fulfilled? Not any! Do you remember Y2K? As the year 2000 approached, preachers and prophets made many predictions; but nothing happened! Nothing!

It is high time for Christianity to correct its "end times" teachings and to bring them into conformity with what its own Holy Book says! The question that remains is: "When are we Christians going to decide that we have had enough, stand up, and demand a reformation of the Christian church's eschatology?"

Rev. Glenn Lee Hill, retired pastor
Rocky Mount, NC