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Pastor Steven Andrew Gives Free Christian Nation Prayer for the National Day of Prayer

Contact: Pastor Steven Andrew, USA Christian Ministries, 877-537-8734

MEDIA ADVISORY, May 4, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The USA is 100% a Christian nation," says Pastor Steven Andrew, author of the new book "Making a Strong Christian Nation." "Our Founding Fathers established a covenant Christian nation for all generations -- our covenant with God as a Christian nation can't be broken," he adds. To bring God's blessings back to the USA Pastor Steven Andrew asks every Christian and church to affirm the USA's Covenant with God this National Day of Prayer.

"God promises that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:7). This Scripture applies to our nation as a Christian family as well as to each individual," Pastor Steven Andrew explains. A free color version of the prayer which shows George Washington and Congress praying is available at www.USAChristianMinistries.com/Covenant.html.

The covenant prayer is:


    As Your Christian nation, we affirm our covenant: You, the LORD, are the God of the USA and we are Your people. Jesus is our King. We obey what You say in the Holy Bible. We love You with all our heart, soul, mind & strength. We love one another as Jesus loved us. We ask You to forgive our sins by Jesus' sacrifice.

    In Jesus' name. Amen.
Churches and youth groups are encouraged to download the print quality prayer and distribute it during the National Day of Prayer and other events. There is also an attractive web graphic of the prayer for emailing throughout the USA and sharing online.

"Humbling ourselves as a nation and returning to God in covenant is how God will help the USA get out of our financial crisis. Our generation today must also follow our founding covenant so God will bless us too," says Pastor Steven Andrew. He shows what is going on Biblically today and that the USA is a covenant Christian nation forever in more detail in "Making A Strong Christian Nation."

Other free tools to celebrate "God and the Bible in US History Month" which is the month of May are also available for the National Day of Prayer. These additional tools include quotes about God and the Holy Bible from our Founding Fathers and free graphics. One of the web graphics expresses the common faith of our Founding Fathers. John Adams said, "The Christian religion is above, all religions..."

The "God and the Bible in US History Month" tools can be downloaded at: www.USAChristianMinistries.com/GodinUSHistory.html