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Anxiety Ridden Parents of Miramonte Elementary School Students Now Face the Necessity of Having Awkward Conversations with Their Children About Sexual Safety -- I Can Help

Contact: Wanda Sanchez, 209-430-4688, Wanda@WLSCommunications.com

LUBBOCK, Texas, Feb. 9, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- "It's a shame that the parents of the students at Miramonte Elementary school are now faced with performing the tasks of 'clean up' that are the direct result of the horrible actions of a few teachers against their vulnerable young students," states Dr. Beth Robinson, creator of the Safe Touch Coloring Book and God Made Me: Safe Touch Coloring Book and Graduate Director of Behavioral Sciences at Lubbock Christian University.

In an Associated Press story today is a story about the anxiety that the Miramonte parents are feeling due to the fact that they are now being forced to discuss sexual safety issues with their children when some aren't yet ready to have that conversation. Dr. Robinson encourages these parents that if they are armed with the right information, they can be empowered to educate their children about sexual safety in a more constructive, less stressful way.

"Parents need tools -- like the safe touch coloring book -- to help them have these conversations," states Dr. Robinson. "Something as simple as reading and coloring in a book like The Safe Touch Coloring Book can help parents initiate sexual safety discussions."

Dr. Robinson, a licensed professional counselor who maintains a private practice working with abused and traumatized children, is a mother and is all too aware of the danger that children face daily, even in supposedly safe institutions.

"I advocate for a parent to do EVERYTHING in their power to keep their child safe -- and education and awareness are a huge step in the right direction.

"Parents can make a choice to learn and then teach their children sexual safety skills to better equip them to recognize what is safe and what is not, and when and how to tell if they experience inappropriate sexual behavior from peers or adults."

To schedule an interview with Dr. Beth Robinson, contact Wanda at 209.430.4688 or at Wanda@WLSCommunications.com.  

Visit www.DrBethRobinson.com for more information.