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House Strips Abortion Funding from Health Care Bill

Contact: Demi Bardsley, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext 1020

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- The House of Representatives voted today to strip funding for elective abortions in the final hours of debate on the health care bill. The Stupak/Pitts amendment maintains the current federal policy of preventing funding of abortion in federal programs. Individuals may buy supplemental coverage for elective abortions with their own money and private plans that do not receive government subsidies may cover abortions.

"Democrats and Republicans came together to ensure federal funds would not pay for elective abortions. They corrected a terrible provision in the bill that would force Americans to subsidize abortion, an act that kills unborn children and harms women. Pro-life congressmen - Democrat and Republican - worked tirelessly to strip an incentive from the bill that would increase abortions by paying for them with government money," stated Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee.

For months, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee rallied members to oppose abortion funding in the health care bill even up to the last hours before the vote.

The bill still contains objectionable provisions that will ration and deny health care, pay for coercive "end of life planning", create multiple bureaucracies that will control Americans health care, penalize Americans for not buying a product (health insurance), fine Americans if a government agent decides their health care plan is not "government approved", and may force Americans to buy government mandated insurance that funds objectionable procedures.

If the objectionable issues are not corrected, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee will oppose passage of the final bill.

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.