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Are You Ready for This? Exclusive Small Group Resources and Books Based on the History Channel's TV Miniseries, The Bible, Available Now

Contact: Kathleen M. Campbell, Campbell Public Relations, LLC, 719-540-6022, kcampbell@thecompletesolution.com

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Jan. 31, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Bible, an epic TV miniseries to air on the History Channel every Sunday evening in March will reach millions of viewers, many of whom have limited knowledge about what they will be seeing. How can a believer maximize this opportunity to share the experience with others?

Help is available now with fantastic resources through a new website, www.thebibleminiseries.com. These books and small group materials based on The Bible TV miniseries will enable you to go deeper into the stories from God's Word, experience God's love and understand how your unique life story fits within God's story for all of us.

Have you thought about inviting family and friends to view the miniseries with you? Take a look at what The Bible Viewing Party Kit has to offer. Are there children in your life? There is a special resource to help you reach out to younger viewers, A Story of God and All of Us Young Readers Edition.

Other helps include, The Bible 30-Day Experience DVD Study Kit, The Bible 30-Day Experience Guide Book, A Story of God and All of Us, A Story of God and All of Us Reflections, as well as exclusive church wide curriculum.

The Bible is the brain child of Emmy award-winning producer Mark Burnett, ("Survivor" and "The Voice") and his wife "Touched by an Angel" star Roma Downey. The couple came up with the idea for the series based on their lifelong love of Scripture and desire to share it through the medium they know best.

Every Sunday night in March millions of people will have the opportunity to see the Bible come to life as never before. Make the most of this epic event by getting actively involved in the outreach opportunity of a lifetime. Order your resources and get started today, www.thebibleminiseries.com.

To schedule an interview with Eric Abel, vice president of marketing at Outreach, Inc., contact Kathleen M. Campbell, 719-540-6022, or kcampbell@thecompletesolution.com

TheBibleminiseries.com is an online store distributing books and resources from The Bible Miniseries.

Mark Burnett is an Emmy award-winning producer commonly known as the "King of Reality TV." He is the executive producer of several of the most highly acclaimed TV series such as, "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader," "Shark Tank," "The Apprentice," "The Voice," and "Survivor."

Roma Downey is an Emmy award-winning actress most well-known to American audiences as Tess's angel/employee in the successful TV series, "Touched by an Angel." Ms. Downey also was cast in the role of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis in the 1991 U.S. TV 6 hour mini-series "A Woman Named Jackie" which went on to win the Emmy award that year. She has been cast as the mother  Mary in this production of "The Bible" miniseries scheduled to air on the History Channel in March, 2013.