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Repentance--or Ruin, America Fall on Your Knees
Contact:  Abigail Davidson, Publicity Assistant, WinePress Group, 360-802-9758, abigail@winepressgroup.com
MEDIA ADVISORY, March 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- All Americans are in grave peril and multitudes of God's children are in deadly denial!
"Christians have a sacred duty and an urgent responsibility to shape America's future by uniting in fervent group prayer," cries author and evangelist David Hamer, whose gripping book and compelling ministry are urging the American church to rebuild the altars of corporate prayer.
In "American Patriots in Prayer: The Rebirth of One Nation Under God" Hamer delivers a prophetic ultimatum to the United States that is graced with a message of hope for the restoration of our fallen Christian Nation. That hope is uniting Christians in vibrant gatherings of persevering prayer. This powerful book reveals a divine strategy that is mobilizing congregations across the country to diligently seek God for an American spiritual awakening. Only prayer can obtain God's miraculous intervention to initiate a cultural reformation, rebuild our nation's eroded Christian foundations and restore judicial sanity to end the massacre of unborn children.
David Hamer proclaims to the American church, "We can and we must experience the world-altering power that surged through first century Christianity. The twenty-first century church will experience that kingdom-advancing power when frequent, fervent group prayer is widely embraced as an imperative foundation of church life and practice. Praying Christians can make a genuine impact on our national destiny at this critical moment in American history by uniting in strategic, Spirit-led prayer."
Will the eternal pages of history record a twenty-first century eruption of kingdom-advancing prayer that apprehended heaven's power to redeem multitudes and heal our Nation? If not, then prayerlessness will have aborted God's highest purpose for the American church in our generation and detonated the implosion of Western Christian civilization into a new dark age.
Those who weep over our country's vile and pornographic culture of death will grasp the urgent call of the Holy Spirit on these pages as He beckons the American church to repentance and prayer. If American Patriots unite in prayer, God will grant us the rebirth of One Nation under God.
David Hamer, from Mission, Texas, will be speaking and signing his book at the Christian Book Expo next week in Dallas, Texas.
For more information, review copy, interviews or to inquire about David Hamer speaking at your church conference, prayer gathering or pro-life event, please contact Abigail Davidson. Phone: 360-802-9758, Email: abigail@winepressgroup.com, Fax: 360-802-9992.