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Over 100,000 Military BibleSticks Deployed, Still More Requested

Contact: Bill Lohr, Faith Comes By Hearing, 505-881-3321

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., March 10, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Faith Comes By Hearing started their Military BibleStick project in 2008, when several chaplains asked if a version of their regular BibleStick could be retooled to meet military specifications. Today, the Audio Bible ministry is announcing they have shipped more than 100,000 Military BibleSticks to over 700 chaplains, representing every branch of America's armed services -- all free of charge.

Small, portable, digital audio players loaded with a dramatized version of the entire New Testament, the BibleStick is provided to our troops by chaplains during pre-deployment briefings, counseling sessions, Bible studies, and when directly requested by Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.

As more devices are shipped, more requests continue to flow in at Faith Comes By Hearing's headquarters in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Currently, the ministry is working to eliminate a backorder for more than 15,000 units -- created by new requests that come in almost daily.

"The demand has been overwhelming," says Marine veteran Jon Wilke, spokesman for the project. "We haven't had an extensive outreach to chaplains, yet we’ve gone from dealing with a handful (of chaplains) to more than 700, basically through word of mouth."

Some of that word of mouth has come over the airwaves on Christian radio. In addition to individual donors and churches giving collectively, the ministry has turned to radio listeners as a source of funding for the project. While several radio campaigns over the last year have resulted in significant giving, they have also generated something else -- more requests from chaplains.

"We are kind of in a catch-22," explains Wilke. "The people who listen to Christian radio have been very generous, but chaplains are also listening and they hear about a great resource they can use to better minister to the young men and women under their watch."

In a recent campaign on the American Family Radio network, listener support totaled more than $115,000 -- funding about 30% of the backorder (4,500 BibleSticks). However, new requests coming in during the campaign, and the week immediately following, asked for more than 5,000 units.

Wilke is quick to admit this is a dilemma the ministry is happy to take on and find a solution.

"As long as those who protect us are seeking comfort and guidance from God's Word, we will do everything we can to provide it to them."

For more information visit: www.MilitaryBibleStick.com