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'If the Family Falls, Faith Goes With It' Upcoming Online Conference Contends

Contact: Anthony Horvath, Athanatos Christian Ministries, 202-280-7971, director@athanatosministries.org 

LA CROSSE, Wis., March 10, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Everywhere one looks, traditional, biblical models of family and marriage are under assault. Have the efforts to defend it been misplaced?

"Not quite," says Anthony Horvath, the Executive Director of Athanatos Christian Ministries. "But Christians have tended to focus our efforts legislatively or in the courts but this only shows that the damage has already been done. These efforts became necessary because our society jettisoned traditional marriage, but this was largely brought about by a culture that was toxic to it. We cannot abandon our other efforts, but it is imperative that we begin fighting fire with fire."

To that end, ACM's second annual apologetics conference calls on Christians everywhere to engage the culture through the arts, and film in particular. The April 7th-9th conference is held entirely online so it is possible to attend from anywhere.

Horvath argues, "The Church should raise up musicians, writers, and filmmakers like it raises up pastors, teachers, and missionaries. These artists should be as competent theologically as they are artistically. We need excellence across the board. But we get what we pay for. If we do not invest in theologically equipped artists, do not expect to get them in abundance."

Prominent cultural critic Dr. Gene Edward Veith is the keynote speaker. Also presenting: Jason Jones ("Bella"), Dallas Jenkins ("What If"), Dick Rolfe of the Dove Foundation, Dr. Angus Menuge, Dr. Ryan MacPherson, Mikel Del Rosario, Anthony Horvath, Glenn Jones, Dr. Holly Ordway, Israel Wayne, Brian Auten, and Rev. Jamie Greening.

There is much at stake, Horvath says.

He explains, "There may never have been a greater need for Christian apologetics than today. However, a stable, intact family is how God primarily intended to perpetuate the faith from one generation to the next. See Malachi 2:15-16 for example. If the family falls, faith falls with it. If we do not defend the family- especially within the Church itself- future defenses of the faith will be made before a hostile and bitter generation who will be in no mood to receive our defense in good faith. It is time to mount a defense of the family as if it were a defense of the faith itself, in the arena where the family is suffering its most punishing defeats- within the culture."

To learn more and register today, visit: www.onlineapologeticsconference.com

Reach Anthony Horvath at director@athanatosministries.org or 202-280-7971.