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The Art of Invisible Selling Can Transform Your Life
New book by Mark Stevens celebrates the power of faith

God is a salesman because He is an influencer, an educator, and a force that enables us to bridge the gap between what we see and a greater truth. Think about what Jesus did with his life: he sowed ideas. He didn't look like he was selling because he wasn't. While the multitudes around him were accepting life as it was, Jesus was advocating a better way, a kinder way, a more meaningful way. ─Mark Stevens, CEO of MSCO

Contact: Diane Morrow, 800-927-1517, dmorrow@tbbmedia.com

DALLAS/FT. WORTH, Texas, March 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- The word salesmanship has come to signify a quality that is crude, manipulative, crass, and bogus--conjuring images of Willy Loman or a Xerox salesman meeting a quota. But this is a distorted way of viewing a critically important skill that everyone would benefit from mastering. Those who pride themselves on being salespeople, and others who shudder at the thought, have more in common than they think. In virtually every aspect of life, everyone is a salesperson. Success in life and the ability to sell are inexorably bound. Whether you are moving Chevys off a showroom floor, inspiring others to achieve a corporate goal, or raising future honor students, you have to educate. You have to influence. You have to sell.

In his new book, God Is A Salesman: Learn from the Master, best-selling author Mark Stevens shows how the most successful salesman--God--reaches millions of people globally and maintains a loyal client base. With topics ranging from trust and loyalty to effective communication, Stevens inspires readers to apply the lessons of religion to create more positive and mutually beneficial relationships with everyone in their sphere of influence. Laced with anecdotes based on the experiences of the author and the many others he has known, loved, mentored, coached, and partnered with, God Is A Salesman combines the commercial and spiritual to show how you can achieve extraordinary success and new dimensions in life.

"The best salespeople are invisible. They never look like they are selling anything, and technically they aren't. They are instilling faith and confidence. They are quietly demonstrating why you should believe in them and, in turn, buy from them. Was Jesus a salesman? Today, 2006 years after his crucifixion, there are two billion Christians roaming the planet, and the faithful are growing," Stevens notes.

For more information or to set up an interview contact Diane Morrow 800.927.1517 dmorrow@tbbmedia.com