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In Response to 'I Am Not Ashamed' Campaign, Simple Church Leader Says Don't Stop with Talk

Contact: Jon Hirst, The Well, 719-362-5235, jhirst@dotheword.org

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif., April 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- A pro-Bible advertising campaign is garnering national media attention. The commercials airing on Fox News, FoxNews.com, and MSNBC.com feature the slogan "I Am Not Ashamed" and viewers can join in on the campaign through IAmNotAshamed.org. Bob Sears, a leader within the simple church movement, offers both praise and criticism for the campaign, "This is a great way for many to begin identifying themselves as Christians, but it is only a first step. If all we do is talk about how we're not ashamed, we're missing the point entirely."

The campaign, which was started by Apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis, launched on March 1st and will continue through April 25th. The commercials feature individuals from different backgrounds, nationalities, ages, and cultures proclaiming that they are not ashamed of the Gospel. Website users are encouraged to record and upload video of themselves reading from the Bible.

"To be unashamed of the Gospel involves more than just visiting a website, forwarding emails, checking the box on Facebook, or even saying so in front of a camera," says Sears. "We can talk all we want, but at the end of the day our lives will be the real evidence of whether we are ashamed. We need to live like we believe that's true."

Sears is a leader with The Well, formerly a traditional Southern Baptist church that transitioned in 2005 to a network of home-based churches.

He continues, "Statistics have shown time and again that a majority of Americans consider themselves to be Christians. But look at the kinds of things our country is known for -- we are far from Christ-like. We've made Christianity a religion of checked boxes and intellectual assent rather than the life transformation that comes through actually following Jesus and living as He would if He were in our shoes."

The Well hosts 5-15 members at each of its seven locations on a weekly basis. Sears and others within the church post their experiences on a blog maintained by the church, www.leavethebuildingblog.com, with the purpose of interacting with individuals from traditional and house church backgrounds.