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'The Battle' by Arthur Brooks Named WORLD Magazine's Book of the Year

Also in this issue: Eric Metaxas' biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is runner-up, and 30 non-fiction and 10 fiction "honorable mentions" identified

Contact: Warren Smith, 646-237-8904, 704-661-9137 cell

NEW YORK, June 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- WORLD Magazine's Book of the Year is The Battle: How the Fight Between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America's Future (May 2010, Basic Books). This succinct work by Arthur Brooks, president of the AmericanEnterprise Institute, is -- according to Editor-in-Chief Marvin Olasky -- "the right book at this moment in U.S. history."

Olasky says that Brooks has written a book about economics that is "not just about money."  Olasky writes:  "The Battle shows how Washington power grabbers have used financial fears to tell Americans how to live-and it shows the rest of us how to fight back."

Also in this issue:

·         Eric Metaxas' Bonhoeffer:  Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy is the runner-up for Book of the Year.  Metaxas tells Bonhoeffer's story in "600 thorough but immaculately readable pages."  The book is timely in that this year is the 65th year since Bonhoeffer's execution by the Nazis for standing against the Third Reich.  The book is timely in at least one other sense:  It has already found a spot on the New York Times Bestseller List, indicating, according to Olasky, "contemporary resonance with its 20th century themes."

·         WORLD's 30 non-fiction and 10 fiction picks represent a diversity of themes, tone, and topics.  The only thing these books have in common is their overall excellence.

·         Fascinating interviews about the art and craft of writing with Susan Wise Bauer, Bret Lott, John LesCroart, and Naomi Shaefer Riley.

The current issue is on-line now at:  www.worldmag.com

WORLD magazine is the nation's most widelyread Christian news magazine. WORLD maintains staff writers in Washington, New York, and other key U.S. cities, and has a network of correspondents around the world.

NOTE TO EDITORS AND PRODUCERS: Editor-in-Chief Marvin Olasky is available from New York City for television interviews, as well as for print and radio nationwide.  To schedule interviews with them or any other WORLD writer or editor, contact Warren Smith at 704-661-9137.